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Tutorials - Approved Or Not? I think Im the only one who cant see them

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Once tutorials are posted, it takes some time before they get approval by a moderator so that regular members can see them. Until then, members see an error as posted in this thread (click). This is fine, and we can expect delays because moderators are doing what they can, there is lots of spam attack at the moment etc.


I've noticed an odd thing though...


There are some tutorials which seem to be "active" in that I am frequently observing them in the "recent posts" lists with new names under them, as though people are making comments. But when I click on them for a read, I get the same "Sorry, an error occurred." error which is expected with non-approved tutorials.


I'm confused because with the new names appearing to bump the topics up the list, I'm sure others are able to read the tutorial which I cannot.


Can a moderator please let me know what's going on with these? A couple of example topics would be "Testing Something" http://forums.xisto.com/topic/19869-topic/ or there's also "Spam Attack" at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96413-topic/?findpost=1064396509 (just as random current examples).


Thanks in advance. :rolleyes:

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"Test Something" is a topic in SPAM AND JUNG section. It's made invisible. Therefore, until a moderator closes the topic (which I just did) you will continue to see in the recent topics and posts section. But you will not be able to read them because it's invisible/unapproved."Spam Attack" is for moderators only section. Therefore, regular members will not be able to read this topic whether it's made visible or open. The forum section allows only certain members to read selected forum sections.

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Thanks for the speedy reply.


I'd like to make a request if possible, that unapproved tutorials get the subject "(pending) Topic Name" when submitted until actual acceptance when the subject then reverts back to just "Topic Name". This way I would not be hoping for a string of new tutorials to read up on only to find I can't read them.


...I'm on a slow connection and my Xisto experience would be a lot smoother if I didn't have to sift through all the blank posts, repeatedly, until one day when they are accepted. As is, when posts really are accepted, I sometimes miss them because I've blacklisted that topic in my mind as having been a previous dead end.


Surely it would be an easy change to auto-generate as topics are inserted into certain areas, also if topics we are never going to be able to read (like "Spam Attack" which must be a popular topic because it gets bumped quite a bit)... it would be cool if those ones simply didn't show on our lists.


Pretty please? :rolleyes:

Edited by Lancer (see edit history)

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With such names, we could easily imagine that these topics are not really tutorials.

By the way, there are currently no tutorials waitings for approval.

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