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How To Make Credits

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You mean how can you get your credit rating higher?To be honest, the more you talk on the forum here, the more your credit rate goes up. Therefore; you need to get practicing that "regular english" some more.If you have skills to offer in a particular area, then write a good tutorial on it. Tutorials score reasonably high, and allow you to justifiably post a good amount of point-scoring text. Images (have up to ten in a post) that make the tutorial better might even go into making it score higher as well. Write a reasonably sized tutorial, and you can expect, say, ten points or so for it straight away.Watch out that you don't just post mumbo-jumbo about something no one is interested in though. That's not we're about here. Definitely do not go and find something out there (e.g. on google) and post it here pretending it's your own... you can expect your post to be disqualified and possibly get banned for that kind of conduct.Personally, I find writing tutorials is very hard to do. Especially trying to write them well... takes me days to put a good one together. It's also a good idea to read through other posts and help out with the conversation. Try not to say the same thing if someone has already said it... that makes the topic dull.Often there are questions you can answer. (Which is exactly what I'm doing to your post now).When I signed up, I decided that I had a lot of interests but didn't feel like writing a tutorial on any one in particular. Instead I carefully put together a "top ten" list of useful hints for my general area of expertise, and invited other members to add to this list or make up their own. I was inviting others a chance to respond, and I got a whole lot of other useful information from their ideas. Everyone wins. ;) There you go. Hope this gets you started off. Happy AstaHosting ;)

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This is a common question with new members who don't read the post about host credits. Anyway credits are earned by posting and with the new update they can also be purchased with money. Using money however defeats the whole "free web hosting" but if you like service and don't want to post then you may want to get hosted using this method. Host credits are based on the length of a post rather then a set quantity per post (It is not 1 host credit for each post but rather one post may have 5 credits if it is long while a short one wont even get you 1 host credit). It is not likely people will give you "free credits". Once you have the required amount of credits 10 or 30 you need to send in an application and wait. One of the administrators/moderators needs to approve you. Once approved you need to continue to get 1 host credit per day.Hope this helps,Sparkx

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please if any person can help me with the free credits, my english is regular

If you have problems with English syntax, maybe you could use FireFox as a browser ? It has an embedded spell check, this could be helpful.Of course, it is not helpful from the "what smart thing could I say today?" point of view, this is artist's daily creation problem.

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how many posts need for 1 credit?

It's not so simple. Just try it.A nice topic with several well-balanced topic can be worth several credits.
A single-line post like your "how many posts for 1 credit" can be simply destroyed because considered as pure spam.

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It will most likely be more confusing if you are trying to pinpoint a lot around the credit system... You will find that when you start and when you find topics of interest, that you will be responding to more and more topics... And as you asked the forum a question with a new topic, you can still get credits asking questions with new topics... If you have a question, try to put as much detail to it as possible... It may be able to do many things... You will be able to get more of your thoughts across and could help with your question. And the second part is that the more you type, the more likely you will raise your credits...It never hurts to be yourself and ask what you need... There are a lot of good people here that know there stuff, and you can get a lot of information at times. Try not to repeat yourself throughout your posting, and you will be fine! Good luck and there are a lot of good places to start... If you are not sure at first, you can look around in each section and maybe add your opinion with a few thoughts!- skedad -

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I'd like to point out that the credits system has been upgraded to mycent system, right now with each post your mycents will increase, if it hits 100+ 100 will be deducted and 1$ will be added to your xisto acount(you have register their too). You can exchange that $ for hosting, starting at 0.99$ per month. You can also customise your acount and choose how much the options you want.A good way to quickly gain $ is to start learning a programming language(assuming you don't know one) and post any questions you might encounter, it would be a good contribution here and will probably help others who might face the same problem. If you already know a programming language you can earn $ by either making tutorials or answering questions in that department.

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A good way to quickly gain $ is to start learning a programming language(assuming you don't know one) and post any questions you might encounter, it would be a good contribution here and will probably help others who might face the same problem. If you already know a programming language you can earn $ by either making tutorials or answering questions in that department.

However, be careful. Your posts are moderated. So, if you ask stupid questions, your posts will be moved to the "spam and junk" folders, and you will loose the corresponding cents. Moreover, the guy who answered your junk post will also loose his cents. So, be honest, try real questions which could not be solved by three seconds reading the documentation.

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how many posts need for 1 credit?

Like said before it isn't the amount of posts but the length of them. However Xisto is starting to use a new system of giving you hosting for posts. It's called myCent and you should go here: https://support.xisto.com/ if you want to sign up. All you have to do is sign up using the same email as you are using here, post 5 times, then wait 4-5 hours and by then you should have a myCent thing next to your name. Every time your myCent thing goes over 100 it gives you 1 dollar which you can use to buy hosting at Xisto - Support.com
For all the details go here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96232-topic/?findpost=1064394946

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