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Whats The Big Deal About Gmail Really im going to get slammed for this but hey

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All it really is a super email account email is email unless you like to go to porn sites and have them email you pics and movies (you sick sick people) i been with yahoo going on 6-7 years and its fine with me besides the millions and millions of spam porn sites and hey baby look at dnutz and this elgato.but hey prove me wrong that it just another email system yeah i got account waster of 5 minutes for me really unless im missing something do tell me that i amplease i beg you :)

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The fact that it was unreachable to so many people made it more......"Omg I want it so bad". It has 1 gig of space, which is pretty "radical" for a free email account....I mean, compare that to MSN's 2 mb of space...thats for a paid Internet thing.Personally, I don't think it's THAT great right now, but that's just cause it's still revising and so on. Plus, it's a good place to throw spam to and stuff and not worry about it filling up your most used inbox etc.I don't use it for porn....cause I don't......well, I'm not interested.I use it if I need to send big files to myself or just store large amounts of data. Plus, there are some features you just can't get with other free email things. Maybe they'll add more things like a calender, but some of the things like hotmail or yahoo adds aren't really useful. =/ I kinda like gmail cause it's really simple right now =)But in the end, it really isn't anything to boast about. Especially since everyone just about has it.

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true true but think about after they get all the tweaks they want 29.99 to use our high speed email im mean gmail account and then it would be interesting but we will see won't we MUHAHAHAHAHA.

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You get a lot of space with gmail, yes. And that's what lures people in. I've had mine a year and have only used 8mb without ever throwing anything away. So it's not just for sex crazed porn surfers, it's for packrats as well. :) Something that i don't see people talking about too much with gmail is it's ease of use. I love the ability give messages more than one label. And the text searching is pretty cool too.

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I don't think there is much of a 'big deal' about Gmail anymore. As someone previous eluded to, after a year of operation the amount of accounts has spread quite rapidly, so that even me (a bloke in 'outback' Australia) even has a Gmail account.I prefer the Gmail over Hotmail for all my junk email like registering to websites (no, not pornography...) because it is real easy to use. There are not loads of images or buttons and it has that basic look about it like Google in general. Also, I really like that there are no ads on the main inbox page so it loads fast, plus on each email there is only three text Google Ads on a sidebar. I hardly notice them most of the time - they are fairly small in comparison to your email displayed.I'm not too worried about the huge amount of storage offered but it is always handy to know that you don't have to keep deleting old messages all the time.

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LOL, why does everyone related big storage to p0rn? I like gmail cos i can even send mp3 with that. And gmail loads faster than hotmail and it auto-refreshes for you. It's true that the colour and design is dull in gmail but who cares about that?nevertheless, i think the gmail invite thing is a joke cos eventually everyone will get one... I have like 8 accounts and I have 50 invites yet to be sent.

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I perfer Gmail because:1. it is super fast, there is no delay when I click on any link. 2. I also like the way it organizes emails, instead of using folders, it is replaced with "Labels", its better than folder simply because you can give multiply labels to an email. (you cant have one email in multiply folders unless you copy it).3. No spam! I havent received any random emails yet.4. Archive instead of delete emails (or move to a different folder), which hides all the old emails from your main inbox, but they can still be accessed by using Labels or click on All Mail.5. Staring emails, a quick way to mark down your important emails.6. Simple interface, (even the ads are minimal)7. 2GB of storage (its actually 1938MB right now, but it will reach 2000 soon, maybe around 4am)

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Yes it may not be a big deal to have Gmail anymore but once it wasn't...hehe.I agree with Tonic and I would like to add the following too:In fact, if Gmail doesn't come up with all these super-sized storage even yahoo may not be what is it today. In fact Yahoo is planning to expand its storage capacity to 1GB when Gmail is moving up further. Advertisements in Yahoo mail and others may not be relevant to the content of the mail we read and thus have little impact on the users. For example, what's the use of having US local ad in other countries? Gmail advertisements are rather helpful as it is the content relevant ads. Of course there's nothing to boast about having Gmail everyone has one or more by this time. And I too can invite as many as 200 Gmails. It was their tactic on advertisement of the mail part. When everyone couldn't get it easily though it was free - created some sort of pride to the users though it will anyway reach to everybody later... what a clever - shrewed way of ad was!

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Yes there's a little app called GmailFS that can make your gmail account act like an HDD partition. So if you have a really fast internet connection you could open 200 Gmail and make them act as HDDs giving you 200 extra GB for free. I can't use it cause my net connection is slow. Anyways I like gmail mainly because of the speed, and also because of the new features that pop up every now and then.

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I like the text ads on Gmail instead of those huge and bulky ones. Also, the javascipt makes the links work very fast. It almost wants me to stop using Outlook and stick with the online interface instead!

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This is realy incredible. The size of the gmail accouunt increasing, last evening it was 1054 MB now it is 1056 MB. I like gmail because I have to send and receive too much attachments. I find it very useful, because I am using Gmail drive, through which I can simply copy and paste any files which is required to be send as attachment in gmail drive and forward the mail from my inbox to any desired person u want, within a second, it will not take so much time for file to upload.One beautiful feature of gmail is that u find sponsored link in the side bar on the E-mail topics.

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I just recently got my Gmail account, and so far (besides the size bonus) I have seen alot of advantages over hotmail, yahoo and every other free mail system. Gmail loads much much faster than the others, it auto refreshes, no folders instead they have labels that allow you to give any given email multiple labels, they have that Gmail notifier (I know I know if you use MSN messenger it'll tell you when you have new hotmail messages, but I can't use messenger at work), ablilty to download using POP (Big advantage if you have a blackberry or similar device). For my money I would go with Gmail over any other free system I know of, and even over a few of the paid ones.

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Gmail has great, fast service. I especially like how they are upgrading the storage space from one gigs to 2 gigs. From a year ago, they have really done a good job. I'd rather see the Google ads, because they are non-intrusive, then the hotmail ones. Even some of the ads on Gmail are useful! I also like how they enabled POP access, because I use Outlook for a email client, because of all of the email address I have. I will recomend Gmail to anyone that I see. Keep up the good work Google!

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