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Matte Or Glossy? The Screen Battle

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Well, my laptop is used in a school environment, now to university, I hope there will be less cleaning. However, in a school setting, you get the one or two odd idiots who loves to poke your laptop screen. Also, I've notice that if I don't clean my screen after 2 weeks, it's either very dusty or the keyboard leaves marks on the screen when the lid closes.

Mine is use in a school environment too, but my classmates already know they should be touching my laptop screen :D . I'm always surprised that keyboards do leave marks on a screen, for me it's a sign that a laptop isn't well designed ... eventualy the coating of the screen might wear out or get damaged :mellow:

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Mine is use in a school environment too, but my classmates already know they should be touching my laptop screen cool.gif . I'm always surprised that keyboards do leave marks on a screen, for me it's a sign that a laptop isn't well designed ... eventualy the coating of the screen might wear out or get damaged rolleyes.gif

Your laptop bag/backpack may be to cramped with stuff. If not, the rubber grommits (rubber pieces that typically cover the screws on a laptop screen and keyboard for clearance may be giving away. Replace them if you can or add something to add to their height. My laptop has scratches on the screen from keyboard & marks on the palmrest from the screen bezel (screen cover). I wish I had some rubber cement.

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oh, for me, it's just dirt, I just use a towel to clean it right off. However, it's annoying that I have to clean it every once in a while. Also, the funny thing is that back then I didn't have one of those laptop backpacks, so I stored it in a separate laptop bag, so there's no books that would've applied pressure on to the bag. Also, I left the laptop bag on the uppermost section so that nothing is able to place pressure on the LCD screen.I took strategic methods to protect my laptop xD. (Even though it did get damage by a small bump while walking and it did cause cracks, which I had to get it repaired ... *sigh*)xboxrulz

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