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A Rant On Ann Coulter... Political rant, may get crazy.

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Funny how when there is one thing completely out of balance, there's another that is completely opposite to balance things out. For example, the movie "Unbreakable" by M. Night Shyamalan featured one man who was easily injured physically, and another who was more durable than an M-1 Abrams. Likewise, with the radical Micheal Moore, there is the reactionary Ann Coulter. Both are extremely biased, and will defend their opinions irrationally, sometimes to the point of vile hypocrisy.Case in point: Coulter was quoted once quoted as saying "Liberals love to pretend they don't understand hyperbole." Funny, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines hyperbole as "extravagant exaggeration (as "mile-high ice-cream cones")." Listos: A writing tool which, as you say, is NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY, EVEN IN THE EYES OF THE AUTHOR. However, Coulter has also stated, "I beleive everything I say." Let's hear it for hypocrisy!!Coulter has also gone on record as saying the following"The ethic of conservation is the explicit abnegation of man's dominion over the Earth. The lower species are here for our use. God said so: Go forth, be fruitful, multiply, and rape the planet--it's yours. That's our job: drilling, mining, and stripping. Sweaters are for the anti-Biblical view. Big gas-guzzling cars with phones and CD players and wet bars -- that's the Biblical view." - from the column "Oil Good, Democrats Bad"Oh really? The thought of keeping our resources stretched out means we don't like to rule our planet? Oh, never mind the fact that this blasphemous "conservation" is something that just about everyone needs to do with their money and food (or lack thereof). And by the way, God did say, "Go forth, be fruitful and multiply," but said nothing about "raping the planet." Since the Bible said God told man that "What you hold true on Earth, I'll hold true in Heaven," that would mean that raping the planet is illegal! So go ahead and drill, mine, and strip your thousand-acre property, Ann! let me know how things are going when you are forced to colonize another planet when you run out of resources! Have fun driving your cars that can't go when you deplete the world's oil (Oh, God... err BUSH forbid that you be caught using a secondary fuel source, because Oil Good [sic])!"We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war."If irony were oil, she'd plead George "There ought to be limits to freedom" Bush and *BLEEP* "Go *BLEEP* Yourself" Cheney to bomb the preceding quote. The people "cheering and dancing" were terrorists and their supporters. I mean, is she so oblivious to other things that you don't realize that just about the entirety of the Muslim community condemned the beheading of Nick Berg? And of course, here she is *BLEEP*ing about these "homicidal maniacs" when she says, "We should invade their countries, *KILL THEIR LEADERS*, and convert them to Christianity." Let's hear it for hypocrisy!! And FYI, the carpet-bombing of Germany wasn't war, it's a war CRIME, and only people like Milosevich think things like that are justifiable. Try reading up on something called the GENEVA CONVENTIONS sometime, it's actually quite informative."Liberals hate America, they hate flag-wavers, they hate abortion opponents, they hate all religions except Islam, post 9/11. Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do. They don't have the energy. If they had that much energy, they'd have indoor plumbing by now."First off, I will comment on the fact that she were enough of a narcissitic *BLEEP*nugget to put that statement on a TALKING ANN COULTER DOLL. Hey kids! Head down to your nearest toystore and pick up the new "*BLEEP* Barbie!!" She says such things as, "At least when right-wingers rant, they have a point" and other such nonsensical *BLEEP*!Now, onto more important matters. I myself am a liberal. I hate no race or religion. I am of the Quaker religion, as are my mother and father. My sister is a Wiccan, and one of my best friends is a Hindu. Not a single person in my family or circle of friends is a racist, nor am I. Now, all that aside, I am willing to bet my life savings that she does not yet know that waving 3 flags on your car DOES NOT make you more patriotic than the person in front of you waving 2, with the "God Bless America" bumper sticker. All it means is that the people who do it are easily swayed and rounded up into a bandwagon mentality that has just about every conservative cheering for Bush because he can use the word "terror" 30 times in 30 minutes during a speech. All it means is that people who do that just go with the opinions that are already made for them. Me? I like to form an opinion, but unfortunately, according to Attourney General McCarthy... err Ashcroft, for forming my own opinion that disagrees with Bush, I am a terrorist and should therefore be arrested and detained according to the Patriot Act. Here's some food for thought on the rest of your quote, Ann. Last time I checked, I saw no liberals burning flags or beheading people during the Republican National Convention, shouting praise for Allah. And to me, it seems that Conservatives love all religions, as long as the only religion around is Christianity, as stated in the previous quote. And the reason they don't have indoor plumbing is because they DO hate America so much, they subscribe to Fundamentalist policies! Let's see a liberal do that!"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building."And, on saying the quote above this one..."Of course I regret it. I should have added 'after everyone had left the building except the editors and the reporters."I'd say that with Coulter saying "I beleive what I say," this is yet another prime example of hypocrisy, Coulter-style!! Once again, she goes on her liberal-bashing exodus, but you go too far, and instead give a quick regret, lest she loses some publicity ("OH NO, ANYTHING BUT THAT! I'D SIMPLY DIE IF I COULDN'T MAKE OVER 5 MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR! HOW WOULD I OVERDOSE MY FACE ON EYE LINER?!"), then tries to save face with another anti-liberal quote. So, to recap: Coulter gives one of her "Coulterisms," looks bad, gives a bare-bones apology (to call it Half-Assed would be an insult to everything that is half-assed in the world), and then attacks the people who form their own opinions rather than allow themselves to be swayed by the distortions of the reactionaries. Yep. Real sensible, Ann! Truth is, we don't make our own opinions because we are terrorists, its because it's one of the perks that comes with the government we live in. Which is why this *BLEEP* is allowed to get away with just about everything that comes out of her mouth and computer.If she's going to be a columnist, then she needs to get a *BLEEP*ing clue! She's in no position to be attacking liberals, seeing as how an 18-year old liberal is ripping her arguments to bits.

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This woman has absolutely no credibility and simply spouts nonsense. She is quite simply a political extremist. She is basically the same type of person as bin laden except that she uses different techniques to attack people.

Bin Laden vs Ann Coulter

1) they both believe their "cause" so blindly that they will say or do anything to prove their point. Mr. Bin Laden resorts to physical attacks but Ms. Coulter goes the phycological route. She calls ALL democrats "traitors" to the USA. Trying to turn people against democrats. Democrats are literally SCARED to voice their opinions for fear of being labelled a traitor. How is that the land of the free???

2) they both are religious to the Nth degree! Mr. Bin Laden believes it is a holy war against the west (mainly christians). Ms. Coulter is glad to oblige. One little quote of her mental state is below:

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity

She is a religious, political extremist no different from Bin Laden and his gang. She is not credible and really makes herself look STUPID to ANYONE who has half a brain.

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This woman has absolutely no credibility and simply spouts nonsense.  She is quite simply a political extremist.  She is basically the same type of person as bin laden except that she uses different techniques to attack people.


Bin Laden vs Ann Coulter


1) they both believe their "cause" so blindly that they will say or do anything to prove their point.  Mr. Bin Laden resorts to physical attacks but Ms. Coulter goes the phycological route.  She calls ALL democrats "traitors" to the USA.  Trying to turn people against democrats.  Democrats are literally SCARED to voice their opinions for fear of being labelled a traitor.  How is that the land of the free???


2) they both are religious to the Nth degree!  Mr. Bin Laden believes it is a holy war against the west (mainly christians).  Ms. Coulter is glad to oblige.  One little quote of her mental state is below:

She is a religious, political extremist no different from Bin Laden and his gang.  She is not credible and really makes herself look STUPID to ANYONE who has half a brain.


I'm guessing that you haven't read too much of ann coulters stuff, going by how you just quoted her. I don't even believe that she's a christian, but what she was saying by that quote, if I remember correctly, is that it's the only thing she's seen that works, as in, christianity calming people down. It was something like that, It's been a while since I've read her latest book.

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I'm guessing that you haven't read too much of ann coulters stuff, going by how you just quoted her.  I don't even believe that she's a christian, but what she was saying by that quote, if I remember correctly, is that it's the only thing she's seen that works, as in, christianity calming people down.  It was something like that, It's been a while since I've read her latest book.


you should probably read it again then. She is a political and religious extremist. Don't kid yourself into think she isn't. She is so far to the right, she is about to fall off the edge. BTW, she is a christian.


Like i said in my previous post. She uses WORDS and PHSYCOLOGICAL attacks (Brainwashing and propoganda) which is WORSE than physical attacks. The quote shows how she thinks.

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