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When it comes to coding and the code languages such as C/C++ or C++ i have absolutly no clue about, i wish there was a "Coding Dictionary for idiots" book i can just read but... oh well. this is my first post on anysort of a gaming development/creation (or w/e) kind of a site.Just got out of school and i wanted to take on my aspiration of creation a game, one that as a drawer, i've been working on since '01. if anyone has suggestions E-Mail me because its going to be hard for me to find this web-site again. i read about having a team instead of doing everything yourself and im already working on getting a few friends together to make one up.one of my friends was doing algorithims (excuse me for spelling errors) and i was just confused beyond all means of the sense but i could tell he knew what he was doing, another of my friends hacks stuff all the time, like he even got banned from games for finding stuff out that the people who made it didnt even know about. those two are the first i contacted when i wanted to start this off and im sure they know more people that'll eventually get interested.Soon enough programs that have a pricetag on them that are good wont be a problem with me, i'll buy them if i think they are worth it. I currently am working on getting myself a computer and a external hard-drive to save stuff to so it wont kill my poor little thing :( anyways...if anyone has information on programs you or someone you know has used and made an end product afterwards i'll be happy to play and learn a few stuff on programming. If its not much of a hassle, could you also send me a link to the programs website?another one of my friends that i contacted is working on finding information by himself. once i get myself a computer then i'll jumpstart everything and anyone who helped out in the process i will personally send them a beta (Trust me, Project Ancient Knights, will be and is worth playing more than other MMO's)I want to become the head of a great game developers teamyes, im boastful about Project AK but... im also a game breaker (my definition of that is i will sit in front of a game for 500+ hours if it interests me)I Favor Halo 3, PSU, PSO, Makai Kingdom, Disgaea, Guild Wars, Last Chaos, Silk Road, Runescape, Knights Online, Adventure Quest, Chrome Hounds and some select othersI have played Makai Kingdom for 500+ hours and have yet to be satisfied with my characters level, i've only made it to lv 500+ on one or two characters but the highest is lv 9999. i've stopped playing it only because my disk was scratched and lost, then the second one was scratched by other friends and i've found a 3rd copy but need $17 before i can get it.Anyways!, Thanks to anyone who helps out and if you want to talk about any of the games i mentioned in this note i'll be glad to converse.------Sage

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I have played Makai Kingdom for 500+ hours and have yet to be satisfied with my characters level, i've only made it to lv 500+ on one or two characters but the highest is lv 9999.

Are all the 9999 levels different, or are they looping, like in the games where level 50 is like level 40 but with more difficulties ?

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