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copying old family picture.Walmart Photo Center

I have a picture of my gggrandfather taken between 1861 and 1864 in the civil war. An old tin type. Taken by only God know who and only God know where. He was a medal of honor winner with the 7th Ind Vol at the battle of the wilderness. Other in the family have a copy and we would like to have some more copy's to share with other in the family, (not for profit.) I only would like to have a copy of the picture to show the grand kid. But the Vandalia Wal Mart will not let me copy it saying that it is copyrighted. Since the picture was made and pay for by my gggrandfather I'm sure he would have liked for us to have a copy of it. I think that it falls under the fair use section of the copyright law. And also I think that wal mart is losing money by not letting old picture like that by copied.

Thank you

Michael L Boggs


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Yeah, them photo kiosks do have their limitations. When I got my first point and shoot I tried Ritz Camera, Walmart, and Walgreens. Sam's club was also an option but I'm not a member. Well they all had the same machines, expect walmarts kodak machine I never used. They all used the Fuji film and the back of the photos say Fuji film crystal archive. Since the machinery is the same what is the difference.Well that depends on the user. Which method did you use to print the photos? Were they done using the kiosk, did you hand the staff your memory card, or were they submitted online? If done online or via software cd's you may have some options to alter the brightness, color, gamma, etc. What you want to be concern about are the auto adjustment or color enhancements. This is especially true if you are taking pictures for a proft for someone else or making prints for display. The auto adjustments can make skin tones to rich in color even yellow teeth and eyes. They also try to enhance the contrast by making images too dark on the ends and blowing out the whites in an effort to make pictures vibrant.Another thing is each picture taken has the EXIF data which is information of the camera and light conditions the picture was taken. Some editing program have the option of saving EXIF info or removing it after editing. The Fuji printer usually interpret this information depending if the the auto settings are automatically applied - usually are. So even though you make the corrections again to reprint, the Fuji's auto enhancement settings will overide them.So what do you do? Well that depends on what you are trying to accomplish and the knowledge of the printer operator that using the machine at the time. When I do real dark flyers, low key photos, and dark saturated business cards. I ask them to hold off on my que. When I am adding them to the machine. Once I submitt the print job I ask them to pull it up on their machine and tell them (staff) they need to be printing right, so turn off the auto image, auto contrast, and auto color enhancements. We then do some color test prints - cause I am only paying for what comes out right. After making sure the output is correct, I then make sure all images are have the proper crops because their printer server console and much more refined cropping options. Depending upon who's working they let me go to town on my pictures.No the last and very important fact when it comes to the quality of photo output is the Fuji photo printer maintenance. Who does it? And are their proper color and alignment pages printed? How often? If the operators are not this smart or were revealed such knowledge you can always create you own test pages for color charts, moire, various gradients, etc., which I recommend if you are serious about the cost and quality of your photo outputs.Well this photo bug is stepping off his soapbox,Levimage :)

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Copyright NonsenseWalmart Photo Center

I ordered some prints on-line and when they were ready, the sales associate called to tell me that because the photos looked "too good" I would need a Copyright form signed by the photography studio showing ownership transfer to me. I explained that I took them and thanked her for the compliment but she still would not let me have them. I told her this was time-sensitive and asked to speak with a manager. She said he would not help me without the form.  I canceled my order, went to CVS and had them printed there.  There was no question, hassle or problem at all.   I own an on-line photo fixing and  restoration website and I usually refer my customers to take their finished product to the Wal Mart online photo center to get them printed.  Not any more.  I will send them anywhere else from now on.

-reply by Dave


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Picture QualityWalmart Photo Center

I remember as a child, Walmart always provided great photos with those cheap disposable cameras. Well, other than growing up, I've upgraded from disposable cameras to a Nikon. I just received my photos, every single one of them was pixelated. I'm unpleased with the quality of the photos and to have a rep state that it's due to my camera...Well let's just say I won't be returning there anymore.

-reply by Suone

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Walmart(s)Walmart Photo Center

Walmart sucks, I don't shop there.They closed small businesses down in my Town when they opened their big mart.I'll Never shop there, never have, never will.I can't help but wonder how many here have two faces and STILL shop there.

-reply by koko

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re: dark printsWalmart Photo Center

Replying to iGuestI took a batch of pictures from a reception into my neighborhood Walmart today. I did the editing on their "Same day" kiosk. They all looked good when I hit print.They all came out way too dark.I now have an "appointment" with one of their "better-trained" photo folks.When I had posters printed at Staples, I had to have them printed at 85% instead of 100% saturation(?). I'm wondering if I need to ask for the same thing at WalMart.

-reply by dave

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CopyrightWalmart Photo Center

I just wanted to respond to Dave's response about Copyright. I am an Amateur Photographer, and I took pictures of my Grandson, gave them to my son on disk, and he was told the same thing... They looked too good and they were Copyrighted. He called me and I had to go to Sams Club, show my I.D and sign a form that said I was the Copyright holder. It did take time out of my day, but in the long run, I'm glad businesses are looking out to "Protect" my copyright. I have learned to always give a copyright release to my customers when I give their photos on disk.

-reply by Laura

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can video clips be saved to a cd at the walmart photo center?Walmart Photo Center

I have a new Panasonic digital camera that does not appear to be completely compatible with my operating system. It takes FOREVER to copy my pictures and video clips to my computer. I thought I would see if I could get around this by taking the sd card to the Walmart Photo Center and burning a cd. While I was working on it the screen said photos and videos and never did I get a message saying that my videos were not being saved. I brought the cd home and put it in my computer. I can see a picture of what is contained in the video clip, but the video does not play. Am I doing something wrong?

-question by Susan

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I AgreeWalmart Photo Center

Replying to trinifawk I totally agree. The other day in Walmart I went to get like 5 things, and it took the lady 20 minutes. I mean, that was totally unreasonable. I understand that they probably aren't getting the best salary, but they should totally put some effort into what they are doing.

-reply by Abbster

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negetive slide to be printedWalmart Photo Center

I have some slides that from the early 70"s slides of my family.I would like to know if those can be printed from a projector slide to on photo paper?Does your store does this?

-question by Armando Hernandez

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