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I'm not a huge sig designer, but I assume people might need a bit more information, like what the sigs are going to be used for/in. Kind of hard to make anything of quality just guessing what they are supposed to contain in them.

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How about we put the ball back in your court? You can learn how to make signatures by downloading a free program called GIMP, and go online on Google and search how to make them. It should be a fun learning experience for you, and then your friends would think that you're super cool :rolleyes:

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yeah maybe you could make your own sigs. i would never ask someone to design a signature, avatar, website design or anything. when it comes to graphics i make my own. i mainly work with pixel art anyway so unless you wanted something pixelly then i cant help you in the first place. im ok at other things though, but best at pixel art.

oh and instead of the gimp, use paint.NET, its the only graphics program i use, and i have photoshop. i think i wasted my money on photoshop, i never use it.

you could also give us an idea of what you want, not just wot u want written on it or wotever.

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