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Byethost Doesn't Work i couldnt get this going.

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@nationaldust, you've just 5 post and yet to get hosting or domains from this site. So save your opinion. This site also gone through a lot of changes and even there are some pains on this hosting site. You'll also find random and limited support from this site. They also mention forum support only for free hosting sites. So don't form opinion about Xisto or xisto based on what we tell you, find out truth on your own. There are some glitches here as well, to be honest.

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Recently there are glitches here which starts to get harder in support. The ticket system do work fast. The server glitches causes random 1-5minutes temporary shutdown on hosting that commonly occur once or twice a week. I got one of my domain hosted here before I moved to a VPS. In comparison to Byethost, your hosting wont fill up for no reason specially your MySQL database. I used to try Byethost and instantly got my database full 2 days after creating it. The fun part, it was never been used and I no longer able to use it. The database account got locked out and the only way to unlock it is to pay for an upgrade. Sounds pretty fun for some people but not for me. I will never ever pay for things that I never used in the first place.Byethost keeps on bugging me for years about that database demanding that I upgrade the hosting even if I cancelled the account 4 years ago. 37 emails of removing me from the list since I no longer have an account yields no result. I do get 7 confirmations that I was already removed and still get the mail a few days later bugging me about the upgrade. 1 of the 7 emails was pretty amusing. One of the email states that in order to cancel, I need to signup since I no longer have an account that they can cancel. The only way to cancel the email reminders is to create the same account name that I have 4 years ago. The best part, all accounts are automatically generated, I don't know how they came up with that answer since there is no way that I can create the same account credentials that I have way before even if I recall the username, password and account number. :P Putting the whole Byethost network on the spam filter and marking the whole network as spammer solves my issues of nagging database upgrade emails.

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LOL. I don't know how they are surviving with such service ? Or perhaps they are just using the free bandwidth with such network and already have established site or hosting elsewhere ?. In 2011, it's hardly possible for any company to survive like that with such bugs and complaints. Take case of Xisto - Web Hosting, there are usally no ordered processed during weekends and no support is given. I don't know if this site is also on pathway of byethost with such policies. Because with byethost people complained similar issues. I do hope xisto don't turn into something like this with offers and complaints. There was one bug or you can say fake email trojan entered into mailing service of xisto once that i know. You can get detail of that virus or script kiddie on Xisto - Support recent news tab. It was i guess 2-3 year old news. But yeah that happened with some weird message from the company email. It was resolved by opaque in some time because of active user complaints. So such bad stuff happens with small business of hosting.

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