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Ftp help any input

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Hey all how you doing? Well here is what is going on and what program I use.First the Program is Filezilla a free open source FTP client that you can get from sourceforge.I have the program set to keep alive connection which what that does is the program sends random commands like ls or directory commands to keep the connection alive to avoid timeouts.Here is the problemWhen i am logged in either deleting files and setting up for a new setup or layout i get timeouts regularly like every 3-4 mins or so and when I am uploading the same thing happens. Any input as to why this is happening would be greatly appreciated.

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Well this could either be a) your connection is really crap and cannot stay connected long enough for you to do your job.:) the client is unreliable and will keep stoppingI suggest you try using a different client. I use "smartftp" and have no problems with that whatsoever

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BlazeFTP works fine also. you can find others at download.com

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I currently have tried WS_FTP pro, 3D FTP, SmartFTP, AceFTP, FileZilla and few I've forgotten all about (judging by the list, I think you can understand that :)) I have to say I am not hosted on Xisto, but on Xisto.com B) I so far have not had any issues with FTP, I can tell you that the only difference I've noticed with all these clients was not connection issues, but lack of certain features. For example, chmod and chown may not be accessible by all FTP clients. Personally I prefer FileZilla and 3d ftp. However, 3d FTP is slow and sluggish. WS_FTP also is a system resource hog. Filezilla didnt have those issues. (ah the blessings of open source)As far as the time out issue, personally I'd disable the "keep connection alive" and try again. Also, if you are on dial up, that will seriously affect the quality of your ftp connection. Even on broadband you can have issues, mainly due to a very active line ;) I have that issue between 4 and 6PM :)

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I just use my browser(IE) and I find I have the same problems, just not as often. My timeouts vary from 20 min to 30 min. Of course IE is crap, so thats mostly my prob, but I dont know why your prog is doing that. Could be a specific option you missed thats causing it to do that...

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I dont think it is my connection as I have 461kb/s down and avg about 127 kb/s up supposed to be 256 but we all know that doesn't happen often lol, i will try the un marking of keep connection alive that could be it.Also with my connection so you know what I do with it I play various online games and have no trouble staying connected to them either and sometimes play them for 3-4 + hrs at a time.

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