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Halo 3 Wish List what do you want in it?

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I want it to come out for the PC. That is my only request. :lol: It would never happen, so I will list my wish list:1. More multiplayer maps2. Bring back the assult rifle. It is so sweet!3. More explosive weapons.4. Have a awesome story line.

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They should make it more free roaming, rather than always being pinned in by massive cliffs. The vehicles are already done awesomely, maybe add one or two H U G E beast of vehicles but they have to keep the banshee - it just rocks :angry:they should release it on PC quicker than the usual 2 year wait after releasing the console version.

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Well, there's not much more you can wish for in Halo...lol...But there are some things that can be fixed. Bungie does a decent job with online cheaters, such as modders, bridgers, and standbyers, but I believe that they can do a better job by preventing those things. The only thing they can't fix is modders, which get banned from matchmaking, but thats kind of dumb when they already had 8 hours to boost thier friends up. One thing they can do is not make maps, .map files.Also I would love to see a better rating system, I'm not too fond of the one they have now.Other than that, I would like to see them carry the story better, and if this indeed the last Halo game they need to not keep the ending suspensful. I would also like to see some kind of new gun that just owns.

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i think they should have multiplayer bots like mentioned before and maybe the ability to dual-wield the sword in certain parts. i think it might be cool if they also had a part of the game where you fight from a pelican or dropship.

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What i would like in halo 3, is the same pistol. Dont get me wrong, i played halo uno and always used the pistol. i was good wth it, but if you havent noticed, halo 2's battle riffle is practicly the SAME THING. its got a 2x scope, 1 head shot kills, and is the mediem range weapon. has ANYONE noticed this?? People keep saying that the battle rifle sucks and they need the old pistol, but you can ( if you dont suck) kill some one with 4 shots. i REALLY hope they keep that halo 2 pistol.

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I think that sword games ruled altho, if there r other weapons the sword does need a limit.

I would like there 2 b a bigger co-op mode, make it up 2 4 players, it would b amazing, b like a proper squad.

Possibly ad in simulants or AI oponents in multiplayer, so that if u don't have live u can play with ur mates and have a bigger veriaty of game types 2 explore, also if u had a LAN party goin u could use say the 8 of u that r there against an 8 man computer controlled team.

The pelican would b sweet in multiplayer, they've got it on the pc version, think some1s modded it in, but the points still there. Also if u had the extended co-op u could use it in the story line. Against an Ai team would b amazing u could use it as a troop carrier 2 deploy a huge chunk of ur team around objectives etc...

Needless 2 say im excited, but just think off the possiblitys



P.s sheil would b cool, and sitting on the tank would b nice again, and they were gonna put the atv in 2 but didn't.

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i think that they should make the sword last longer and you should be able to pistol whip while i dual wield.also the armor should be better, and the marines shouldnt be so dumb.

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Well as of right now Halo 3 will be a mystery.But i thought of BIGGER maps huge 24 to 32 player maps, lots of veichle and long range battles.I think they should let u be able to use the dropships like the pelican or phatoms for BIG maps.It should maybe a few new skins but some of the skins are kinda not good.They should let u go more deep into armor customization so ur really different.And yea i guess they sould try and get rid of all the cheating but every single game has cheaters so don't count on that.

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Halo 3 Wish list

Halo 2 seems to already be perfect, i dont know how they are going to improve it but a way i know for a fact that they are going to improve is the graphics and campigan.


My wishlist:


One of my wishes is for them to get rid of the "Sword" because of that gay sword its really easy to get a kill, not just a kill that leads to a double kills and triple kills. The "Sword" is a usless weapon beacause it takes no skill. On the other hand, the "Shotgun" is also like the sword but it takes skill and stragity to kill them with it.


My second wish ofcoarse is the new weapons. Right now for Halo 2 the weapons are really cool, i dont know how they came up with these weapons, i know some weapons are basic like the pistol, sniper, and Battle Rifle. But besides those like the Plasma pistol, Plasma Rifle, and Brute Shot (ect.) A weapon that i hope they can add is a Grenade Launcher, i know it kinda resembles to the Rocket Launcher but it will be shot differently. It kinda shoots like a brute shot but it does the same damage as a Rocket Launcher. So the Grenade Launcher can be bounced off the walls and will be denitated like in 4-5 secs when it touches the floor.


A Third wish is for them to invent a new vehicle. a vehicle that i hope they put in Halo 3 is like a Motercycle

but futuristic kinda looking like how they have the warthog. The vehicle will be really good for going to reach a weapon before the other team does, or an easy flag grab, and etc. Im really hopping they put in new and fun vehicles, or something like this in Halo 3.


A fourth wish is to be able to have more pretection while playing the odd ball.... yes it is easy to hit people that are close but when its more than one it would be nicer to be able to hold at least a pistol... when playing more then one person gangs up on you with a pistol it gives you a chance to kill people from a farther distance therefore giving you some what of an equal play.


A fifth wish is to have a Aircraft that can have two people in it, one can fly the aircraft and can still shoot what the banshee can normaly do, and in the backend, their can be a turret like on the warthog. That would be kinda cool to have a vehicle that can do that :P


a sixth wish is to have a Map thats really dark and if u look closely, you can see each others shadows moving in the dark and you can go kill them. in this map we can all have the ability to turn on flash lights which will be located on your gun or head. and you can turn on ur flash light to try to find people but the bad part is every 1 can see that you have your light on and your an open target throughout the map. i would only turn on the lights if you have the lead and they are trying to hide :) only if they ever make a map like this. this kinda map would be really fun to play on Halo 3.


a sevenith wish would be an ability to swim. i know if you really think about it, how can a spatan swim with all that armor, but it would still be fun if they can swim and if we could swim, they can make a underwater and sea level stage. where we can fight on water and land. with this kinda map it can lead halo to a even better game to me, because their are making new things to it.


my eight'th wish is to have the ability to "crawl". if we all had the ability to Crawl, crouch, and stand up, i think the game can be more stratigized and can make it even better to kill other people. a badside effect of this "cawling" people can have the lead then just crawl and hide in a small conor/spot. But it would still be a fun ability to have in Halo 3.


my nine'th wish is that every one can have a Magnetic kinda thing so it can attrack guns like Submachine guns and pistols (etc.) but it can only attract from a certain distance from you, and no it cant attrack things from across the map only probly like from a 5 yard radius. with this kinda technique can come in handy when your conored, their might be a gun right next to that u cant reach, but with this you can saftly get weapons near you.


my 10'th wish is when custimizing your character, their are things that you cant custimize. the thing that i want to be able to change color is the color visor.


my 11'th wish is when your driving a warthog, you can have an ability to pull out your gun and while your driving you can shoot with your SMG. and other weapons


my 12'th wish is for them to add in a Flash Grenade and Smoke Grenade, so it would add in more stragity into the game, and you can go by conors without being seen.


my 13'th wish is for them to have turrets in the map, but the turrets can be picked up and placed somewhere else and use it to your own advantage.


my 14'th wish is for them to have put in a "Tazer gun" so if your really good at Halo 3, you can mess with people and Taze them and laugh at them and call them newbs. to me that would be really fun/funny for them to add that in their.


my 15'th wish is that you can have the ability to drop all your weapons and use your fists to fight "fist to fist"

so if you run out of ammo or your just being hardas* you can kill them with fists.


my 16th wish is to have a Laser pointer so when your shooting it can look more intense and more graphic when you actually have another aimer that is on your gun.


my 17th wish is to have the ability to hold two shotguns, with holding two shotguns you will be unstopable in an upclose fight.


my 18th wish is to have a Grenade that Fizzes their whole screen and their radar and you can move around in silient with out a matter of showing up in their radar. (Fizzes as in your whole rader starts going crazy and everything cant be seen but only your screen and your gun)


my 19th wish is to have a weapon kinda like a bow but more enhanced and can kill people from a distance and blow people up when its on your body, it can be called like a Energy Bow, or Energy Shield Bow, and instead of blowing people up with a single shot, it can drain their whole shield for a matter of minites or seconds.


my 20th wish is to have a faster respawn, i know 3 seconds is short already but it would be alot more funner and keeps the game going if we have like a one second respawn.

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I need bigger maps and multiplayer bots and more vehicles and a bigger arsenal of weapons would be nice. O and one more thing maybe a veriety of snipers.

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