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Bearded Man Vector Art quicky

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I wanted to create a quick vector art for a blog post of mine. I sought inspiration from a World Of Warcraft wallpaper, and created this in about 1 hour using Inkscape.


It turned out pretty good. It is not a polished work but I would be using it in the same format for my blog article on Vector Art.


https://g' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' />


Comment and critique please. :P

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Comment and critique please. :P

it will look best on my website with my watermark of "property of vhortex". :P

nice one there. i think you should complete it and just update links on your blog article.
what did you use on that one?

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it will look best on my website with my watermark of "property of vhortex". :P

Very funny. :P

nice one there. i think you should complete it and just update links on your blog article.

I actually do not want to work on this - because I need to show the simple patches in my blog to emphasis the point that vector art is composed of points, lines, bezier curves, and polygons (that are based on mathematical equations). The above image would serve as an example - but yeah - I too see the potential for adding more details to it. I am not sure if I will do it - I am working on another one, which I am going to put full detail into.

what did you use on that one?

Er... could you elaborate please? I did not get you.

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Looks good for a quicky! I find that I spend alot of time when I work on vector illustration. It is time consuming sometimes . Keep at it! Look forward to seeng that next project. I think vhortex was trying to ask what application it was created in (illustrator maybe?)

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foolakadugie, thanks for the comments.


About the time it takes to create vector art - I think it is dependent on the person. I find it easier to work with vector art than with raster graphics, and I get the desired result in much lesser time working with vector graphics than with raster graphics.


I will surely post about the next project here. :P


And I am not sure vhortex was asking about the software I used to create the vector art - because as I stated in the first post I used Inkscape (https://inkscape.org/en/
) to create it. (Not Illustrator - I cannot afford it yet). :P

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Wow! That is very nicely done in just 1 hour time. If you could make an animate of that type of art you would probably be taking yourself in a new creative direction. I used to do vector art, but I only specialize in photo releastic imaging now, where I would change and creative turn one image into an entirely new image. But that on the side, what you did is very good, continue at it.

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I am not sure how I could animate it with the tools available to me. I mean, I totally work with opensource softwares, and for this particular piece as I said earlier, I used Inkscape. I am not sure how I could animate it with Inkscape, and I am not even sure if Inkscape has the capability.


But even if I did have the tool, I am not sure if I would be able to do it. Technique and theory wise I do know how to do it, but the methods I know, takes a lot of time and that is something I lack. Doing these works as a hobby (as I have a day job to put the bread on the table), I am not sure I will be able to afford enough time on this. Animation as a venture though, does tickle my thoughts.


Thanks for the comments, kgd2006.


I am working on another piece, that I will put up here (as soon as my crappy net connection is corrected by the ISP). It is no where close to finish, but I would put updates here.


Photo realasitc imaging - that is a different medium altogether. I did try it out a few time, but I am not good at it. :)


So, I stick to what I can do and try to improve it. :)

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