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Sitemaps.org Believe it, Google, MSN and Yahoo works together.

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Believe it, the search industry giants Google, MSN, and Yahoo works together to bring us a new SEO tool, sitemaps.org, this is a webmaster protocol that is attempting to introduce a web standard for these documents.

You know it, sitemaps are simple XML documents that webmasters use on their sites, this documents simply tells search engines which pages on their sites are available for crawling, remember, this doesnt means that your sites are included in search engines but it can helps search engine web crawlers do a better job when crawling your website.

For more information please visit: sitemaps.org

Best regards,

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Believe it, the search industry giants Google, MSN, and Yahoo works together to bring us a new SEO tool, sitemaps.org,

To tell you the truth, I didn't believe this when I first read it. I mean, seriously now, when was the last time you heard about Microsoft working with any other company to produce something that would benefit the user more than it'd benefit Microsoft itself?!



But I went ahead and searched for more information on this (since the Sitemaps.org Website doesn't provide all that much) and found this...


Microsoft, Google, Yahoo! Unite to Support Sitemaps



It's an article from the LiveSearch's WebLog at the Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN.com), officially announcing this news. Which is a good thing, I think



Even though it's not customary for Microsoft to standardize things, no matter how much it'd be beneficial to end-users, I suppose they finally saw the point. Either that or they found themselves having to follow suit, after how Webmasters strongly welcomed the Sitemap concept when Google produced it.



Either way, I believe this is good news. Firstly, Webmasters don't have to generate different sitemaps to suit different Search Engines. Secondly, from now on (hopefully), all Search Engine in existence or in the making will have to follow the same standard, as long as the three major SEs are using it. Basically, I believe this will be a good thing for Webmasters, Web surfers, AND SEs as well... a win-win-win situation all around.



Still, I suppose we're going to have to wait and see where this is headed. After all, this kind of collaboration between major Web enterprises is common news these days, and more often than not it results in major anticipation followed by a cataclysmic let-down. Let's just hope the tide turns for the better this time :P.





Edited by TaMeR (see edit history)

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