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Adding Subdomains With cPanel

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I just add for the first time a new subdomain to my account with the cPanel and it is very easy as simple insert the name and submit, how can i setup the default folder of this new subdomain??? because I want to assign this to a different folder or i just copy all the files to this default folder.Best regards,

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I read twice what you have written, but I still am not quite sure what you want to do, what kind of a result do you want from doing something?

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I just add for the first time a new subdomain to my account with the cPanel and it is very easy as simple insert the name and submit, how can i setup the default folder of this new subdomain??? because I want to assign this to a different folder or i just copy all the files to this default folder.
Best regards,

I think, you are asking about, adding files in the subdomain only!

If you create one subdomain say, "demo"
it will create one new folder under your man domain named "demo"
you can find that "demo" folder under "public_html"
so, just go to: "public_html/demo" and uyou can upload the files inside that folder!
You can create one default html file say: "index.html" under thae new folder (here "demo")
So that the file named "index.html" can be displayed by typing "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;

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If you set up a subdomain with the name of "forum" as in forum.TavoxPeru.com then your subdomains folder is /home/username/public_html/forum/


You cannot set up another folder since the server will only read /forum when that subdomain is requested.


As a result, your subdomain contens are also accessable via http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


If you want to create an ftp account for this subdomain only, that can also be done.


If this doesn't aanswer your question, please give more information.



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Quatrux sorry for dont understand my post, what Niran says is correct, i want to do that, simply add my files for my newly subdomain and vujsa thanks for your reply.


Now, i will explain better what im trying to do following the example given by vujsa.

Create a Subdomain (done and is easy as simple insert the name and submit).

subdomain name: intivoyage

subdomain folder: /home/username/public_html/intivoyage/

Add files to the subdomain. What im trying to do is to assign the folder /home/username/public_html/alex/ to be the default folder of this subdomain. But as vujsa said it is not possible because of the server.

So, does the only thing that i can do is moving all the files in /home/username/public_html/alex/ to /home/username/public_html/intivoyage/????

Or, can I use some kind of redirection either with an .htaccess file or with the cPanel????


Best regards,

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Quatrux sorry for dont understand my post, what Niran says is correct, i want to do that, simply add my files for my newly subdomain and vujsa thanks for your reply.


Now, i will explain better what im trying to do following the example given by vujsa.

Create a Subdomain (done and is easy as simple insert the name and submit).

subdomain name: intivoyage

subdomain folder: /home/username/public_html/intivoyage/

Add files to the subdomain. What im trying to do is to assign the folder /home/username/public_html/alex/ to be the default folder of this subdomain. But as vujsa said it is not possible because of the server.

So, does the only thing that i can do is moving all the files in /home/username/public_html/alex/ to /home/username/public_html/intivoyage/????

Or, can I use some kind of redirection either with an .htaccess file or with the cPanel????


Best regards,


Well, there are .htaccess options but it you just want the file contents moved then there is a better option.

Delete intivoyage/

and then rename alex/ to intivoyage/

If you require a cgi-bin in intivoyage/, then simply add a folder with that name there.


If this isn't what you want to do, then we'll investigate other options.


The server just looks for intivoyage/ as the root directory of intivoyage subdomain. Usually when I do a reinstall or difficult upgrade, I just rename the original folder and create a new fresh folder to start from. Then if there is a problem, I can always revert to the last good website by renaming a couple of folders.


Hope This Helps. :P



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Well, there are .htaccess options but it you just want the file contents moved then there is a better option.

Delete intivoyage/

and then rename alex/ to intivoyage/

If you require a cgi-bin in intivoyage/, then simply add a folder with that name there.


If this isn't what you want to do, then we'll investigate other options.


The server just looks for intivoyage/ as the root directory of intivoyage subdomain. Usually when I do a reinstall or difficult upgrade, I just rename the original folder and create a new fresh folder to start from. Then if there is a problem, I can always revert to the last good website by renaming a couple of folders.


Hope This Helps. :P




Thanks a lot, i will try the second option because it is more simple and i dont have much experience dealing with .htaccess files, so then i will post the results.


Well, almost everything works fine with the exception that initially the images dont show, i need to access every one and then go back to see it correctly at the page and all of my links dont work because i use absolute paths so i need only to change this in my source files.


Best regards,

Edited by TavoxPeru (see edit history)

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