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Damn Shoes!

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My third pair of skate shoes and my heels still slip out of the gawd damn shoes >_<, I really like these shoes too :P, any advice?Oh and if your wondering why I put this post in sports, well there skate shoes and I skate, so it made sense *shrugs*.In all my life, I have never had this problem until the last couple of years, everytime I get new shoes they just make my heel slip out when I walk and when I skate, I end up wearing my old skate shoes and ripping apart alot of pairs of socks lol.

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Just a thought, are you buying a different brand of shoe? I started having a problem with shoes too, thinking my feet were shrinking, but it was just a different brand of shoe that I was buying. When I went back to the brand that I normally bought, but bought them at the smaller size that I thought I now was, they didn't fit. So I think different brands differ slightly.

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I almost never buy the same brand because the style and design I like is phased out and there onto a new one that sucks lol.I got Vans, Globe, 2x Omni, Scuds (the new ones).I got Wavezone too and the Scuds which are the ones that slip off the heel, both size 12, and i'm almost onto size 13 lol. (size in US).

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I got Wavezone too and the Scuds which are the ones that slip off the heel, both size 12, and i'm almost onto size 13 lol. (size in US).

i hate sizes.. specially when there are open market in your area for imported stuffs..

i know i am medium in body size.. [asian size] and now i buy this american sized shirt.. since base on my experience.. american standard on sizes are bigger.. i get small.. it fits me well on the other brands..

i noticed that the shirt was too small.. barely fit me.. so i get those ones with numeric sizing.. still goes in line with small sizes.. darn.. after trying 3 brands and a lot of sizes.. i ended up buying a large size and 2 medium sizes..

makes me think.. do americans outsource manufacture of cloths, shoes and some sporting goods?


i also have problems with my hiking shoes sizes.. even if i get them direct from manufactures in the west.. i was a fan of western hiking shoes..

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Yeah, when it comes to shoes it's most normally in US size. As I'm a skater, alot of brands are made using that sizing format.Some of the heel slipping was actually due to my socks, alot of them a very soft and sleek, I tried a newer pair of Adidas socks I had which are thin ankle sucks but there a bit rougher on the outside and they grip alot better.I think the rest will just be wearing the shoes in to the point where the toe can bend easily enough that my heel won't be forced out when I take a step.

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Yeah, when it comes to shoes it's most normally in US size. As I'm a skater, alot of brands are made using that sizing format.

i hope that there will be notices on boxes on what sizing standard was used.. i have this experience a year ago with my hiking shoes.. different brands using US size standard.. the new brand i use was bigger than the old brand.. the difference is 3/4 on an inch..

this is a problem when you hike since if you go on a sloped terrain.. you lose some grip on your feet and the shoes..

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Many of the shoes I bought actually said whether it was US and how many inches a foot it was for (so you could measure yourself to see).That was only length wise though, not width.

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