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My Headset .... =/

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I think i know how to fix u up :PMost soundscards by default mute the line in and the mic controls.Double Click on the speaker icon in the task bar by the clock and then in the new window that opens choose properties...this opens a new tab and in there at the bottom you can see what mixers are chosen to be displayed..if your mic is not checked..check it then close the windows..Double click again on the speaker and now you should see the levels for the Mic too...my guess its muted, unmute and adjust the volume...My guess its fixed now :PGood Luck!

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hmm :Pdoesn't work i already try'd that .
now i can tolk but nobody hear me and mic folume are on max :S

can fix this ?

What kind of headset is it and through what service are you trying to talk to someone? Are you trying to use an instant messenger or service like skype? or are you calling someone through a phone line or using a cell phone as a modem?

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1) make sure you've connected it correctly, you wouldn't be the first that's spending hours looking for options in the OS only to discover you've put it in the wrong jack (and yes, I've had such situations before :P ).2) Open the windows mixer and look somewhere for settings (on linux now, so I can't exactly say where). Somewhere you can select record, do so and make sure it you have your soundcard selected in the dropbox. If you press ok, the windows mixer should have other sliders. Make sure you have the microphone enabled (you can normaly have only 1 input enabled).3) Enable the advanced settings In the windows mixer (set it back to playback like you've put in in record like in 2) ) . If right, there should be one for the microphone, when you open it there is probably an option for mic boost (+20db), tick this and gently try if it's working (be carefull not to blow up your speakers, 20db is a lot).4) try Audacity to record something (you can try different inputs by choosing them in the dropbox), maybe there's just something wrong with the IM software you're using.Last but not least, go to some computershop and ask if they can test it for you, if the mic is broken, you'll have to return it to the shop.

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Another thing to note is if there is anything like a volume control along the headsets cord that there may be a mic on/off switch or mic mute button. I know I've had a few headsets all with volume controls on the cord and all had controls such as this. You bascially need to follow the path the sound takes to get from your mic to the computer and ensure it's on at each step. I don't know why they seem to hate the idea of having a mic actually take input so much but they do heh.

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i tryd with ventrilo teamspeak normal msn chatall aint working i tryd to record the voice but nothing come in >.<and the plugin are at right one|||||| ||| |||||||||||| |||||||||||| || ||||||||||||||| | || || || || |||||||| || || || || || ||| ||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||| || ||||||||||||||| || || || || || ||| || || ||||||||||| |||||||||||| || ||||||||||||||

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