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Fanless Server Cooling Under 100 Bucks sort of.

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yeah so i run two out of my basement for gaming stuff, and well thats where i sleep so i thought there had to be a better way... so i was rambling, as i like to do while im thinking, and i literally tripped over a pile of car radiators and intercoolers in my garage..... the 2 servers are already watercooled but the HS and fans on it are quite noisy... so i, being the innovator thought of just taking some 1 1/2" rubber tubing i had and basically adapting that size to the resivour of the cooling system. I got worked up about it, and living about 10ft from a creek, just tossed the radiator into it with hosing attached, and dug a shallow line for the tubing to run under the dirt, and up through my basement window, down to the computer... i have both the lines set up going both ways, but when i was finishing up i realized i should hit myself in the head, because i assumed my pump for the stock water system i assumed was enough to move a combined 7 gallons of water 5 feet up gradient back to the radiator. So at this point, i have an actual water pump for a car, but am trying to find an electric motor to adapt into the pulley on it. So yeah, just thought id mention the concept, maybe get some of ya'll into doing some innovating of your own.

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Don't forget to add anti-freeze in the water and insulate everything, hoses, waterblocks, cpu/gpu/nb/... because condensation will occur.Look around on vrzone and xtremesystems on how to insulate your hardware.

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radiator hoses have thier own insulation to begin with. Buy anyhow im using a 50/50 blend of AF and water. some insulation for the inner case tubing may be a plan however..... One thing thats beginning to surprise me is how much water this system will move.

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