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Mercuryboard Install Help

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Ok, I went through the entire install process and came to the install module and I can't figure out what I'm supposed to put in for host server and database socket (which is optional) The default database port is 3306. Can someone tell me what to enter or modify?

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What exactly are you talking about? Are you asking for help about the installation of a Mercury MotherBoard or about the installation of some database server in your mercury mother board?Be specific.

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The installation of a mercuryboard. I can't get it to finish the installation.

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Ok, I don't know where the 'edit' option went, so I'm sorry about the double post. I finished uploading a mercury board to my t17 site to test it out. I'm trying to get it to connect to a mysql server I have there. This should clarify a few things:

Posted Image

For host server, I don't know whether I should put rhino (t17 server name)

or localhost. I'm also confused about the port address and the socket.

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