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Connect Using Wireless And Wired Line

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connecting both wireless and ethernet on a laptopConnect Using Wireless And Wired LineIt is possible. Right now I have that same setup. Now while it appears to work, sort of, the wireless connection on the map shows it is intermittent connection at best. It connects and recognizes the connection. Even has a separate IP address per DHCP, but it only connects once in a while, probably if a packet or two drops during the link of the Ethernet cable. I have tried bridging them together within windows networking tools, but then my router does not recognize them due to "IP address conflict" so I delete the bridge and they reconnect as separate connections again. It does not really help bandwidth, except for possibly hogging some of it or bumping other machines which have to fight for wireless bandwidth more (since some of them are game consoles which hog lots of bandwidth for some reason). That and people seem to want to use bandwidth for streaming music all the time, like on their phones. I have cut the usage down a bit by cutting off all the bluetooth access, but with the small router I have (a home router) it does not give me the flexibility I need to limit bandwidth for specific machines and more evenly distribute access. This is becoming a huge problem. Since I have to use streaming video, I get a lot of drops in bandwidth which annoy me to no end.Anyone got any ideas? I'm in control of the router, so I can make changes, but like I said the flexibility leaves a lot to be desired. It only allows me to limit the usage to time brackets (like between the hours of 6am and 8pm) for each client, not throughput.

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