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Build A PC Inside A Truck

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I just wanted to share this info someone was wondering if it could be done to put a pc into a car or truck in this case it was a truck and actually its not all that dificult, a buddy of mine and i were searching for some ideas and found this site here, just to get an idea. https://jpsblog.com/

So once we got strarted we did everything almost as if we were going to to build a custom sub box, and doing a stereo install. I will try to get photo if possible.

Total cost for the build was around 2,500. which is actually not to bad. This pc build went into a 99 GMC Truck.

We becan building a box for the pc. We took the metal mounting brakets from inside the pc, so we can have something to ground it to since the box was going to be made of wood.. but we made the box to fit under nead the rear back seats . mounted it directly behind the passenger side. with enough to be able to mount some brackets to keep it in place, and keep it from moving much.

Once we had the fit we needed was a difficult portion because we needed to mount he brackets into the inside of the box. Becasue th ebox as smaller than hte original frame of the pcs case, we needed to cut down the moutning brackets, and by doing so, we also had to eliminate the bracket as well as the cd-drive. We gain some more space also by getting rid of the floppy.

Once we had the frame where whe wanted it, we fit all pieces to see if we could get good fitment., Mother board fit well harddrive went in good, but we had a bit of a problem with the cooling fans. So we had to mod a a few sections of the new box. what he also did since we new we had to keep it cool, he ran a snorkel type of plastic tubing from one of the rear air vents to the exhaust fan. so when he ran his ac, he cooled the pc. which was prety cool, except it looks like crap, and you can tell its home mad.. bigtime.

Once we had ll other items in place came a pretty cool install. He purchased an external dvd/r/rw drive and also purchased a 13 monitor flat panel. He spent good money on the external cd drive, but the panel he got pretty cheap at a swapmeet. Im thinking less than 300 for it.

So next came installing the hard drive. We also had to go purchase some cables. We bought 3 rolls of 5 ft of usb canle, witht hte connectors already attached. at the ends. we used that for the cd drive, the mouse and the keyboard, I think he should have used a wirless kepad and mouse tho.

But he next made a custom mount for his cd drive and stereo. that was actually prety easy, and mounted them on and the cd drive actually sits under neath his stereo, looks good too. Also he mounted the poer button for the pc on this new panel. and then had to wire the switch back to the pc.

after all the he mounted his monitor screen on his head board where the passenger side visor goes. Unfortunaelty the cables where not long enough, so this took him a while to find some extensions for it, but he got it done,

other than that all it took was some few extra wiring he needed to run, and he also had to install a power inverter, which he already had, to run the pc.

overall it was a great sucess, everything works halthou he doesnt habe any internet connection, he can play pc games, and his main thing is he plays his movies and all his audio tracks.

but it was pretty good.

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Not to burst your bubble, but cars with any type of system in them (sound, pc, video) are exponentially more likely to get broken into. That is pretty cool with what you did to the truck, it's just one of those things that I would like to point out.Maybe you don't live in a high crime area, but I do. I live in the city, cars get broken into everyday. People look for IPods, GPS Systems, video screens, cd decks, and if you add a whole PC system, I'm sure people will start taking those.Again, that's a great idea, but I would also invest in a security system.

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What snutz411 says is correct. The best way to build a pc in a car (or truck) is by hiding it as much as possible and by making sure you can remove and hide everything that can't be hidden (like touchscreens).Security system are nice, but they are useless (altough they make can help when it comes to ensurances). You can break into a car and steal it in the middle of a crowded street and NOBODY (except maybe those who thing they are heros) responds, even if you have a car alarm.

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I may be missing the point but, why put a whole computer in a car/truck? Why not just buy a laptop. I mean yeah it is neat that you can do it, but isn't it (in the end) just a waste? What about the heat, the cold, theft, people who would just want to ruin it? Like I said, Maybe I just missed the point.

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I like this idea quite a bit.It's alot like all those cars u see on "Pimp My Ride".But unfortunatly I have 2 agree with the others.Unless u can remove all of these components or can be sure u r safe from crime this is a risky project 2 put the time & $$$ into something that could be stolen faster than u put it together.My truck got broken into for some change,a few Cd's & a Snickers Bar in a security patroled parking lot.I was forced 2 put up a sign stating theres nothing of value in this vehicle.While this idea is kinda cool for the normal Joe.I do need time away from my comp from time to time. :unsure: j/kBTW When do we get to see the pix???

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