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Car Or Bike ? u like....

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If you job is 5 kilometers from your home, you may go by bike. If you have to go 50 kilometers, a car is safer and faster. By the way, trains and buses if existing are possible alternatives.

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I take it we're not talking about motorcycles.Well I like cycling, I like motorcycles and I like cars. What I like best out of those, would have to be cars, not because they're safer or can be faster, but the fact that I can do more alterations/modifications for a car than I can really do for a bicycle or motorcyle, but I'd still work on them when given a chance to. Another thing is I do enjoy the comfort, listening to music etc. On a motorcycle or a bicycle you pretty much have to be alert with everything around you, so listening to say your iPOD while travelling is not a good idea.Cheers,MC

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The first thing they taught me in driver's education was to be alert to all things in a vehicle (just like a bicycle). Listening to music on a bike is just as dangerous as in a car because in most cases, you are not relying on your ears, but rather your eyes. With the invention of the MP3 Players however, listening to music on a bike is just as nice as in a car. Between a car and a bike, the best form of overall transportation is the car, and there is no disputing that. My choice between the two would be the car for that very reason. If I could ride a bicycle to work everyday, I would. Unfoutunately, the bike has many limitations, such as roads with high speed limits and no sidewalks. You cannot ride a bike along many roads where I live. Another limitation is weather. Rain is a bicyclists worst nightmare. When it rains around here, it pours. Then you have snow. If there is a foot of snow on the ground, riding a bike is not going to do you any good. You do not have a heater and peddling through snow is almost impossible.I would choose a car over a bicycle any day but there are more health benefits from the bike. I don't think I need to go into those ;) I choose the car.

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