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How Was Post Credit System Designed ? How did you implement it? Not a noob question

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The post credit system you use is pretty interesting and I am interested in implementing something similiar to a website of mine.Is this system for sale or is it publically available?Sorry if this is the wrong place to post but I couldn't find any information regarding it in the Faqs.

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Read a post about this point system...if I recall, OpaQue created it. I have no idea if he is willing to sell it or not. I don't think the code is publicly available. You might want to give OpaQue a PM and see what he says.

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As WeaponX mentioned, the credit system was solely developed for this board by OpaQue. I don't think he'll sell it or be willing to give you the source code. Because, then you might be able to find some loop holes in the code and break the credits system to get infinite credits. But, you could try and ask him about how to go about developing the code. I'm sure he'll help you out if you need to make something similar.

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Put like this only way to get a credit system like this id you code it by scratch doubt opa would sell even at a good price he wouldn't sell it.But with the upgrades to the forums I doubt you can find to many loop holes to it but with the ipb going 2.1.5 he of course would adapt the coding to it.

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