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C++ Game Programming Books For Beginners?

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can anyone help me with some good latest C++ game programming books (2D, not ready for 3D yet) or any good lesson sites for beginners? thanks in advance!cheerz!shiv

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Well, if you know C++ already, you should get a more game-specific book, explaining stuff about game loops, game logic, that sort of thing.If you don't, I'd suggest you first learn C++ without thinking in games already, because there's much more to it. Learn the basics and practice a lot to get the hang of the language.When you feel comfortable, grab the SDL API (http://www.libsdl.org/), which allows you to easily create high-quality 2D games, complete with keyboard, mouse and joystick events, and sound as well, all in a few commands. To learn how to use the API, I'd suggest Lazy Foo's tutorials (http://ww12.lazyfooproductions.com/). Great way to learn all sorts of things! :lol:Just remember that you can't make a game in C++ unless you know to use the language, so start working on that! :lol:

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Well, if you know C++ already, you should get a more game-specific book, explaining stuff about game loops, game logic, that sort of thing.


If you don't, I'd suggest you first learn C++ without thinking in games already, because there's much more to it. Learn the basics and practice a lot to get the hang of the language.


When you feel comfortable, grab the SDL API (http://www.libsdl.org/), which allows you to easily create high-quality 2D games, complete with keyboard, mouse and joystick events, and sound as well, all in a few commands. To learn how to use the API, I'd suggest Lazy Foo's tutorials (http://ww12.lazyfooproductions.com/). Great way to learn all sorts of things! :)


Just remember that you can't make a game in C++ unless you know to use the language, so start working on that! :lol:



thanks for your reply kazdoran :lol:. im quite well versed with C++..what i am looking for is specific c++ game developing books to get my shot at gaming started! i will try out the SDL API you suggested :P .


would greatly anymore specific suggestions on where and how to start. thanks!






Edited by shiv (see edit history)

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Beginning C++ Game Programming (Game Development Series) by Michael Dawson (Paperback - May 13, 2004)Game Programming In C++ : Start To Finish (Game Development Series) by Erik Yuzwa (Paperback - Jan 11, 2006)these 2 are very good, the first one taugh me c++ at the beginningyou should start with a book called "c++ primer" , for me its the best about c++ (for beginners)and then move to one of those 2 above (i advice the first one)cheers :D

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hey thanks a lot for those names..Actually even i was looking for the same.I'm that well versed in c++ but since it was included in my course i'm well acquinted with it..Thanks again

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I can handle php&mysql pretty well, my next wish is to create a 3D game.I therefore recently bought a few books, i have not yet read them all though.But these books do look good.My c++ basics book:C++ game programming (make little c++ textbased games to learn c++......i think this is way easier to read than the 'c++ in 21 days' wich i borrowed)The rest of my books are about 3d programming and 2 about directx. Those got enough samples so i do not need a more advanced c++ book (yet).

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A Great Game Engine Tutorial Website!C++ Game Programming Books For Beginners?

I am self taught in c++ and for the past 5years or so I have been looking for great tutorials using DirecX to create a complete 3D Game Engine from scratch. Mostly all I have found were basic tutorials on Setting up the win32 project to work with directx draw a few shapes texture them ... And so on, but nothing concise. The more I searched the web the less I found lol. Most of the sites kept saying the same thing over and over again. You don't want to create a Game Engine from scratch "Why re-invent the wheel", "You can just download already made libraries." It was getting frustrating. The reason I wanted to make one from scratch was to understand the internal workings of a 3D game.

Then one day I came accross a website that changed everything. Now I know you are just looking for 2D but, since you are good with C++ already, with this website you can skip the 2D game coding. He brushes up on 2D a little bit with some tips about sprites, and you do use 2D graphics in the 3D Game engine for the HUD (Heads Up Display). This website is amazing. You can get a free membership or even purchase one...Your choice. He has numerous videos that you have to download, and you have to download them in sequence. He also DOES NOT supply source code. Which I think is a plus. This way you have to actually type everything yourself, and "Debug It" yourself, which in turn will cause you to be a better programmer.

Now, when I first discovered his website I was kindof disappointed, cause I was looking for DirectX, but his main focus is using OpenGL. Now that I have went through all his current tutorials waiting for newer ones to be released. I actually enjoy working with OpenGL. Currently the Game Engine which is re-useable project with multiple libraries is finished. The FPS game from his site "Graphics wise is finished." The section I am now working on is the sound, where he is using OpenAL. Once this section is done, all there is left to do is incorporate the Sound Manager classes into the GameEngine, which I am excited about.

I know this is kindof long, but I like to share this with as many who are interested. Now what you have been waiting for. His website is Marek-knows.Com  It is definately worth the trip to visit and try his tutorials. He has different sections. If you need a brush up on c++ he has turtorials for them. If you need a brush up on math for 2D and 3D he has turtorials for them. You can be someone who has never even used c++ before goto his site and work through his tutorials and work through them. What else makes it great is that they are Video. You don't have to do a bunch of reading and misunderstand something. He also has a forums page wich is great, If you have a problem with a specific video you can post your question there to get the help you need or read the ones already there and they just might answer your questions.

-reply by skilz


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My brother used "SAMS Teach yourself C++ in 21 days" Its a really good book, around 900 pages but is clear and easy to read, my brother used it and he wants me to learn C++, I intend to but I don't think I will be able to right now. But that book is very handy

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Sams books are not at all worth it. They're on the basic C++ level. You'll hardly create one tile based background from such books. Instead its better to get a openGL or other library specific book. It can help you get more out of your C+ knowledge and you'll get up and running quickly in games. Reading and modifying codes of others helps as well. You should take a look at demo games with source code if possible.

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