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Beware: Mp3 Players At High Volumes = Hearing Impairment they can turn you deaf

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I believe that when you listen to mp3 players you should listen to it under normal volume conditions. Whats the point of blasting it when the ear piece to the mp3 player is already in your ear? Its not like you are going to feel any bass from it. I see many people blasting the music in their ear peice, and I was like, hes probably going to go deaf. Haha, but I also considered that that person might be having a hearing disorder and that is the only way they would be able to hear the music.I also believe that certain music that is blasted can cause hearing impairity. Probably music like Rock n Roll or other high pitched sounds that can harm your ear drums. But then again people should really listen to music at a normal level where they dont need to turn it so loud.

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Well if you put alot of pressure on your leg for example for extended periods of time what do you think could happen? (SNAP!!!). Or even a quick and hard pressure on a bone (SNAP!!!).I see at in this way, very loud music so close to your ears is like putting great pressure on the drums inside, i'm pretty sure you have three drums that sound basically vibrates off of and finally your'e brain processes the information.If the drums in your ears recieve alot of loud sound then logically the vibrations would be greater and over time or if loud enough could cause immediate deafness. I think it's still possible to hear fairly well even with a single drum basically blown but it was quite a long time ago when I got curious and read up on all this.P.S. Wish I had of found this post earlier (Iv'e found a few interesting subjects in the Similar Topics list at the bottom of most forum pages but they are usually kind of oldish).

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yes, this is a growing problem...I myself am a musician, and I know firsthand what loud volumes can do. Often I find myself turning up the volume on my mp3 player or turning up my guitar amp.Later, everything is a bit muffled or I can't hear what people say.It's terribly real and common.Now I wear one earplug during music jams. Just for extra protection.

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Yeah I think we are just discussing the issue and trying to understand it better, who knows some people may click away from this a little wiser then they were before reading this thread.

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This is not something new, I think this caused me a lil' deaf.Especially with iPods, they have a very very low volume setting and a very überly loud setting and a lot of people don't realize and pump it so loud that I can hear the music when I sit next to them. It's gonna make them deaf!Anyways, the safest bet is to get a CD Player, but its quality will suck.Even the Motorola Rokr E1's lowest setting is my medium setting on my MP3-only player.xboxrulz

Edited by xboxrulz (see edit history)

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