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Stolen Car Returned 36 Years Later California man reunited with Vette

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This salesman's Corvette was stolen from a New York parking garage 36 years ago. He'd moved all the way across the U.S. to California shortly after that. And, earlier this month, 36 years after he lost the sports car, New York detectives called to tell him that they'd found it.

I guess you really shouldn't give up your last shred of hope in some cases, huh? *grins*

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A Corvette :) .. damn this guy is luckey to have his car back .. besides now his car would be a classic worth alot :P .. theres a good point to steal it now :D





That is if it is in good condition. After 37 years it prob has 500,000 miles, 3 shades of primer and held together with duct tape.

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That is if it is in good condition.  After 37 years it prob has 500,000 miles, 3 shades of primer and held together with duct tape.


I don't know about the mileage on the car, but the paint job looks pretty good. Obviously this isn't the original paint job, but hey - even if the owner has to have his car repainted, at least he has something to work on and invest in now.


Then again, I have to wonder what the guy's insurance company had to say about this one.

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Wowzas, that's still one hella nice looking car. I'm sure the owner is extremely happy to get it back, even if they had lost that last shred of hope. Probably get a nice chucnk of change out of it from a vette collector too... not that I would personally sell that car if I owned it :| That's really crazy though, I can't imagine how I'd react that thatcop - "hello, sir, we seem to have found your car that was stolen"me - "...its not stolen...its in the drive way... I can see it right now"cop - "no sir... the OTHER car...the corvette"me - "holy sweet fu*has aneurysm*

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I saw that in the paper i think a week ago. It was quite interesting. Excellent shape though it had no engine :) Would be a really nice project for the owner to drop in more power.

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Wow, I must admit after all that time it would feel as if I was getting something for nothing, would anyone else feel that way?I'm sure someone would be interested in buying it at a very nice price :P

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