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One reason why America doesn

Dating Sims?


I think one reason the states does not have many or any dating sims is the same reason why all the good animation stories are made in Japan. These are called 'Anime' and there is more realistic human behavior with anime characters than there are with the standard cartoon charactes in America.




Some people like the simplistic Disney cartoons where good guy fights villian, saves the damsel in distress and becomes a hero. Then there are the so called 'cute' animal toons in which the the story follows the exact same blueprint, but with animales instead of people.




The non Otaku in America just don't get it. In anime, characters don't just fight evil and save the day. They get emotional, they often will do a bad thing even though they are good, and vice versa.




They also worry, have anxiety, cuss when they get mad or upset, have the same desires and behave the same way as people in real life do, and they are not the simple two dimensional characters with no substance that litter every Disney animation.




One of the big things is that anime comes in all kinds of ratings, and the Japanese culture does not think that everything animated has to be suitable for infants.




The Japanese look at animation in a much more mature manner than their American counterparts, and it is the same way with the anime games ( like the dating sims we are discussing).




Americans think that everything animated (cartoon, game, or whatever) needs to either be either educational at the pre-school level or be entertaining at the 'Barney the Dinosaur' leve.




I don't know why the American animation industry has this limited mindset about animation, but it demonstrates how much more mature the Japanese are than the Americans, when it comes to this subject.












-reply by Misato

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Reply to MisatoDating Sims?

I entirely disagree with your post on Western animation. Obviously you have not seen a lot of animation on American television. Here are a few examples: South Park, Drawn Together, Family Guy, Futurama, American Dad, and Robot Chicken. None of those would be considered suitable for a child. However, there is not much angst in Western animation, due to there being a focus on comedy as the entertainment value.

But I suppose it's common for people to make assumptions on Americans without doing appropriate research. Disney movies are meant to be simplistic and entertaining for children. I do not see how that influences Americans to despise anime as most people I know agree they can adequately differentiate what is for children and what is not. I also do not believe that good storylines are exclusive to Japan. That's a rather reckless statement, and it is even more reckless to say that Americans do not understand storylines like that. Heck, jocks on our local football team LOVE anime, and they're the biggest meatheads I've ever known.

As for why I think the US lacks a decent market for dating sims... It could just be it hasn't entirely been a hit here yet. All of the otaku I know, guys and girls both, love to play them, and even import the games; however, it just might be that gaming companies are afraid to pick up these lesser known titles with anime art styles when most Americans are interested in FPS or MMORPG games. It's all about what would generate the most capital for them. While it would probably be a success, primarily with otaku living in the US, companies may still be afraid to take the step into that category of gaming.

Sorry for the rant, but I was just browsing through and decided to provide some meager input. Personally, as a female, I'd love to see dating games in the US, though ones that target my audience will not be on the top of the list to provide here. I can hope, can't I? :)

-reply by BoringPerson

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 Guys seriously... I AM a girl and I hate to admit it but... You probably just should be yourself, GET OUT of dating sims, and maybe I don't know just ask a girl out. Because seriously all my friends and I ask out the guys because they don't have the guts. Not having the guts to even talk to a girl is why you are on Dating sims. Seriously dating is much better than dating sims and plus you can actually say what you want. Yes... I have played them. I applaud all of you who have asked out a girl, because the worst that will happen is the word No. Toughen up, if you get no, then no biggie they weren't the right one. Girls really like it when guys learn to just listen to your heart while being a guy. Ok. Sorry to offend anyone but I just had to vent that out there. :)

-reply by Jenna

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SimilarDating Sims?

It's not necessarily a dating sim. But You do build up relationships and the relationships further your ability to beat the game. You don't just get a girl friend but you get like guy friends as best friends and there are chicks that you can talk to.  It's pretty much the whole Persona anthology. Although personally I think 3 is the best one. You're a kid in a school and you collect certain tarot cards that give you abilities but in order to receive these cards and upgrade them you have to build relationships through talking with people. Each person has their own card. Its very similar to a dating sim. But I highly recommend checking it out. Persona 3 FES version is best.

-reply by Vega

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Its different from Dating Sims?

Many people (particularily women) have assumed that the goal of the game is to experience dating or something like it,The goal of the game is to build relationships with characters over a long story designed to make you feel attatched to said characters, people who say that 'you cant feel for a false character' havent thought that live action films characters and animated films characters fall under the category of 'false' characters, and most if not all people would have felt for many characters in films and television, that's what drama is all about, and its all about how 'real' it seems,the assumption that the girls in these dating sims are 'easy' is false, in one play through or several play throughs of the scenario you are likely to not get any action at all without previous experience and maybe someone guiding your hand a little.and about the reference to the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona anthology, it has been described as an RPG melded with a Dating sim, infact there are few other ways to describe it,

-reply by Samuel

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I have to agree with BoringPersonDating Sims?

I have to agree with this guy, Misato, you were to quick to judge.  Also it's not the matter that Americans don't have the 'Mindset' to create these type of games, because there are American made dating games(eg.7Sins) even thought they ****.Also American animation weren't originally made for children, but for adults(eg.Bugs Bunny) even though with today's difference in morality and cultural views it doesn't entirely seem that way.  I actually saw a sexual joke in 'Two Stupid Dogs' the other day(drive-in Episode).Also(yes, I'm using 'Also' again) the main reason for the lack of originality in American animation isn't due to the creators/concept staff but the Publishers and Censors.  Most original Ideas are quickly discarded to make things less expensive or quicker to get on to the shelves, trying something new is usually to risky.P.S. If Japanese games are so mature, how do you explain Mario?

-reply by The Count

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I'm a girl and I play dating sims. First of all, there are games that have beautiful story lines like Persona 4 from Atlus (PS2) that have dating sims. It's not like all of it is about the dating. There's fighting in it. I basically bought it for the storyline. Check Atlus.

There are millions of people out there, even girls, who play dating sims for different reasons. One is to have a good laugh. Two is for eye candy. Three is wiki's idea. "To sharpen dating skills". And there are just some people who just likes to play it. I mean there are tons of dating sims. Many girls bought it because of eye-candy. You know what yaoi is right? Gay? Yes. Either that or they just like to see "hot guys".

Let's not push it to Japan since otakus are bit too much to handle.

Now I bought some dating sims to get a good laugh. Do you have any idea how weird some of the storylines are? And there's this part with the "omake" where you can make two guys talk like they're confessing to each other. Talk about fanservice, huh.

Fan dating-sims are everywhere. Try asking people in livejournal. They share good doujin games, by the way.

Now if you REALLY want those dating sims, try 7 sins for the PS2.

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hahahhaha Dating Sims?

I was searching up sim games for ps2 at 4 am and found this nice little chat the only thing I can add is I remember there was a evangelion game I saw in a gamestop awhile back I belive it waas a sim game just no one picked it up

-reply by gunzero


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For me, the point of a dating sim is having an anime, but you get to choose how it plays out. And it's because - let's face it - I'm an otaku and want to make all of those stuttery confessions not be a part of it. Also, I'm more focused in real life about real life. I have to keep my grades up and maintaining a real relationship is harder than dating a virtual guy.

I agree with what's said above, too: eye candy is big in my book, too. If the graphics are equal to the caliber of a bad fanwork, I'm not about to play it. However, if some effort is put into the graphics and such, I like to treat myself to a nice piece of art once in a while.

What I'm saying is that everyone has their own reasons for playing a dating sim, and they may or may not make sense.

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