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Death Of A Comp Whats the penalty?

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I currently use a mac for internet use, (which I do not really like because of it's lack of internet gaming) and use a pc for other uses (since mac doesn't really run any good programs). I have many times considered just bearing the shi--silicon (:D) out of my pc and just sticking with this ma, but I'm sure we've all considered killing our comps. Have any of you actually gone through with it? What'd you do to it? what did it do to deserve it? did you have a backup comp to fall back on, or just freak out irrationally?

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Last year I was still running an old HP (Win 95-based system - had a whopping 1.3 G hard drive) that my grandmother had given to me. Loved having the aging dinosaur in my dorm room at college because I could write (it actually had an old-school copy of Word on it, which was great). Other than that I couldn't do anything with it. I couldn't even really do much to upgrade the system, which I looked at doing a couple of times just to see if I could speed things up a little bit. The video card finally started dying, which wasn't very good for me. I had to adjust the monitor so that the brightness and contrast were jacked all the way up - just so I could read my Word documents. I switched out monitors, which didn't help at all, so I knew that the card needed to be replaced.Wasn't happening. I couldn't find one that would work. I didn't spend hours and hours looking around, though, because, you know, this system was pretty old and I didn't see the point in investing a whole lot of effort trying to track down an old card that would probably just die on me.Anyway ... because I lived in a college dorm, and my RA lived right next door, and I didn't have my baseball bat with me, I couldn't do anything overly *loud* or *satisfying* to destroy the stupid computer. So I disassembled the entire thing. Yes. I even took the screws out of the case - the ones that held the power button in place. Every screw that I could find, I took out. And eventually, the computer was in about eight zillion tiny pieces, which was sort of satisfying.Then I lugged the large pieces (monitor and case) out back and threw them in the Dumpster. And when I say "threw" I mean launched as hard as I could into the back wall of said Dumpster. The noise was so loud that people driving down the street right next to the Dumpster actually stopped to look over and see what had just happened.Then I called my mother. This day - the day that my poor old computer died - happened to be my birthday. Unfortunately, she didn't sympathize enough to buy me a new computer. *grins* But at least I tried. The only really good thing was that I had access to several computer labs on my campus, so I could still get schoolwork done and all that good stuff. And I eventually ended up inheriting another computer, which was almost as old as the one I took apart. That one, unlike its predecessor, is still alive. I just left it at home so that my younger sibs can use it if they want to.

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I've already had some fun time destroying old hardware :D Last time I toyed around a bit w/ and old DX4 mobo :P , you'll be surprised how tough the stuff is, you don't break it in 1, 2, 3 :D .Other than that, I already smashed some CD-player and some old PC cases (sometimes when you get angry, it's fun to have some stuff you can destroy :) ).My next victim is prolly going to be a dead (I hope so :D ) SCSI HDD. ;)

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I've very frequently struggled with the idea of grabbing my computer by the handle (I have taken the casing off of it because of overheating and space, so on the top corner there's a nice hand side little handle for some weird reason I have yet to understand) and bashing it into the skull of my worst enemy. This, of course, would not only kill two birds with one stone, but it would in turn resurrect two horrible zombie birds out to kill me, because not only would I have committed severe assult, but I'd also have no comp :/Besides, I'm poor and would never be able to get another one unless I.. oh wait! no computer for pyramid schemes! darn!

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I never could decide myself to destroy a computer.My first computer I had about twenty years ago. When I stopped being able to play games with it, after about ten years, I bought a second one, the first one staying "just in case". Ten years after came the third computer, and then I threw the very old one.Now we have four working computers, a fifth one "just in case", the sixth one holds the database in the library of our village, the sixth one staying for replacing the fifth one in the library.So, no, I will never be able to kill a computer.

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