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What Are Blogs? Can Someone Please Explain ?

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A BLOG is taken from the term web log. It is kind of like a journal or diary except that it is is published online, there are sites where intenet users can publish their own BLOGs for whoever wants to read them. It can be about anything. It is an alternative means of producing information of any sort. A good example is when just prior to the last presidential election in 2004 in the 60 Minutes story that accussed President Bush of being AWOL from the National Guard and used a bogus document as proof and displayed the said document on television that bloggers looked at the document and took the timeframe and other details and shot the story down.In the response the bloggers pointed out that the document could not have been produced by any knowwn typewriter that was in existence in the 1970s they pointed out that the document displayed even though degraded in appearance as thoough someone had made several generation of copies of an origional to make it appear "old" that it was probably created using recent technology namely MS Word (which wasn't even around in the 1970s). They also had some other bloggers that having had past military experience to note that no commanding officer would have written a document in the manner that this document was written.The bloggers found so many problems with this "proof" that President Bush had gone AWOL that they had to apologize for the story, although Dan Rather tried to maintain that he thought the document was in fact valid. Several people were fired over the incident and although not really fired Dan Rather aint around anymore he 'retired' and was still on a special segment of 60 minutes which has since been cancelled.So blogs actually are sources of information from professional and amatures both that counter the misinformation the the so called mainstream media throws around all the time due to the liberal bias that they have. This was probably born of frustration in that you see no positive news about anything conservative in the print, TV, or radio news about Republicans especially President Bush whom is hated by these news outlets. Even though the economy is doing great and more people in the US now own their own homes, unemployment is and has been lower for longer than it ever was during many administration you wont hear about it from these news outlets.So read some of the blogs and find out what is really happening in the world, nationwide and locally.

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Houdini, you summed it up quite well. I would like to add few things to what you have said.Other than being information on happenings of the world out there, it is also used by many experts who have got a penchant for knowledge sharing. They go about writing articles and publish it using the blogs.Blogs are also used by creative people or content creators as an extention and message board to their audience. For example, the comic artist of the famous WebComic, MegaTokyo also maintains a blog where he rants about other things related with the gaming and anime industry.

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In response to Houdini's explanation, which is a very good one:Just remember, everyone, that amateurs and professionals alike can post blogs. Anyone who can get online can post something in their own blog, and it doesn't cost them anything.So, if professional journalists can get away with totally messing up ... then bloggers can definitely make their own mistakes. No matter how much we'd like to believe a particular source, we still have to do our own research.But even then, most bloggers are just writing about their (our?) personal lives, so accuracy and truth in reporting are sort of beyond the scope of many entries.

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Well there are good aspects and bad one to blogs, but there are so many of them that if you attempt to tell something that knowledgable bloggers can pick up on and find flaws with this might be bad for you but it is good to know that blogger can be kind of like a truth checker about things which they are knowledgable about as in the case of the bogus 60 minutes report.But they can also be ranting of lunatics or dim wits that just so happen to have access to an internet connection and may have absolutely no sources to back up a thing that they state.I remeber that when doing research papers you needed a minimum of three sources that could easily be checked to help prove the validity of your paper. Now days when I see unnamed sources or anonymous sources I figure it is really made up since there is no way to check the validity of the source. The sad thing is that there are those that actually believe some of the stuff made out to be truth just because it was on television or in print, and have never bothered to find out if the statements made were based on facts that could easily be checked.

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Can someone please explain to me in detail what the hell is a blog?


ive seen loads recently and im still confused


its kind of like keeping a diary...who would want to keep a diary on the internet for everyone to see... i guess there are some people out there that really need attention!

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