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What Are The Best Image Hosts Out There ?

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Find a host with ads or something, that has the disk space you require and for example supports FTP uploading. You can use a website like http://www.freewebspace.net/ (You can use advanced hosting search, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) And upload images and link to them. Unless you're posting pics on a site like digg.com bandwidth should be fine.


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I use these sites, they all have unlimited storage, show full size photos, and you can keep your pics with them for as long as you like.
ProPic Hosting



Propic is nice. Unfortunately, the free version has a 600 pixels limitation and a credit system (500 credit per month, one credit less each time the database is queried).
upload to atpic does not work today.
The "register now" button disappeared from ecfun!
I confirm that photojerk is nice. They provide you a set of thumbnails of all your files, so that for each one you get the code for sites or forums, and no ads nor banner. Unfortunately there is no code for thumbnails giving access to full image.They have a "album" presention, which unfortunately has huge banners.

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There are loads of image hosting sites. Here's a few ones that I've used and liked:


My favorite though is probably ImageShack, as I like the resizing feature (one is too lazy to go on Photoshop)

I confirm that photojerk is nice. They provide you a set of thumbnails of all your files, so that for each one you get the code for sites or forums, and no ads nor banner. Unfortunately there is no code for thumbnails giving access to full image.They have a "album" presention, which unfortunately has huge banners.

Hum. Don't many of the popular image hosts (like PhotoBuck and ImageShack) offer this feature as well? Although I believe they do have some ads when you're just acessing the whole image...
Edited by Arbitrary (see edit history)

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the only image host that i will ever use will be Photobucket...ive been using photobucket since i was first starting my website career...The things i like about photobucket is that you can login and seperate your images, you can make different folders, and seperate them like that, it has a tool to re-size the images, and unlike Imageshack.us, when you go to look at the image,it DOES NOT give you a pop-up advertisement... you can also upload up to 19 images at a time, it also allows you to upload videos now that they have upgraded, so it is a pretty awsome service, and all for free!

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Don't many of the popular image hosts (like PhotoBuck and ImageShack)

No, photoalbums are not offered by ImageShack. You find it at Xisto, of course. The other ones usually offer a html code for inserting in a web page, and not a gallery your friends can browse. You have to create your own gallery, and sometimes it's not so easy because you have the html code for full image, but not the html code for the thumbnails (ImageShack offer both, propic gives no thumbnails).


I like imagebucket.com, they give you a lot of nice features like albums with the slideshow option, and no ads, 1 gig or 250 pictures for free. The only thing I don't like is the fact that they add a small comment at the lower right end of your picture, like this :

Posted Image

Personnally I don't like that, I think I own the picture I should be the only one allowed to add a comment on my picture.

Edited by yordan (see edit history)

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