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Need Help To Write Code To Upload/download (FTP) Sending server data...

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First questions first - what programming language are you going to use to try and design this ? This same task can be done with almost any given language (mainstream or scripting) these days. So let us know what your developmental platform and maybe we can guide you to the right path :)

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Now I believe you wont tell to use pure socket programming to accomplish the FTP m^e ???I hope your platform/language will have some wrapper classes to do the deed.Anyway in any case if you r making things for Windows, the best option is to use the msinet.ocx control. Things are a few lines code with VB and MSINET.OCX . I am writing a small worm in VB that will steal a person's yahoo chat records and upload them to a specified server :-) . No its not evil!!! that guy copied my chat records off my hard disk.I even accompolished making my program automatically add itself to the Windows Firewall Exception's list.For linux, there are wrapper classes available on net, dont go about implementing things from scratch.

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This is a samples application writing in java language... it program is a client-server application, but you can update to work with ftp...


The client source:


{	  // Check the arguments	  if ((args.length != 1) && (args.length != 2))		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of arguments");	  // Get an output stream to write the URL contents to	  OutputStream wrFile;	  if (args.length > 1) 		wrFile = new FileOutputStream(args[1]);	  else		wrFile = System.out;	  	  // Use the URL class to parse the user-specified URL into its 	  // various parts: protocol, host, port, filename. Check the protocol	  URL url = new URL(args[0]);	  String protocol = url.getProtocol();	  if (!protocol.equals("http"))		throw new IllegalArgumentException("URL must use 'http:' protocol");	  String host = url.getHost();	  int port = url.getPort();	  if (port == -1) port = 80;  // if no port, use the default HTTP port	  String filename = url.getFile();	  // Open a network socket connection to the specified host and port	  Socket socket = new Socket(host, port);	  // Get input and output streams for the socket	  InputStream rdServer = socket.getInputStream();	  PrintWriter wrServer = 		new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream()));	  	  // Send the HTTP GET command to the Web server, specifying the file.	  // This uses an old and very simple version of the HTTP protocol	  wrServer.println("GET " + filename + " HTTP/1.0");	  wrServer.println(""); // followed by newline	  wrServer.flush();  // Send it right now!	  	  // Now read the server's response, and write it to the file	  byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];	  int bytesRead;	  int i;	  // read first block with header info (4096 should do)	  bytesRead = rdServer.read(buffer);	  if (bytesRead > 0) {		for (i=0; i < bytesRead; i++) {		  System.out.write (buffer[i]);	  if ((i >= 4) && 			  (buffer[i-3] == '\r') && (buffer[i-2] == '\n') &&			  (buffer[i-1] == '\r') && (buffer[i] == '\n')) {			break; // for loop		  }		}		i++;		// now copy rest of first buffer to file		wrFile.write(buffer, i, bytesRead - i);		// now read rest of socket and copy to file		while((bytesRead = rdServer.read(buffer)) != -1)		  wrFile.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);	  }	  	  // When the server closes the connection, we close our stuff	  socket.close();	  wrFile.close();	}	catch (Exception e) {	// Report any errors that arise	  System.err.println(e);	  System.err.println("Usage: java WClient <URL> []");	}[/i][b]The server source[/b][i] int srvPort;	ServerSocket srvSocket;	try {	  // Check the arguments	  if ((args.length != 1) && (args.length != 2))		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of arguments");	  	  // get the Document root	  docRoot = new File(args[0]);	  // Get the port to listen on	  if (args.length == 2) {		try {		  srvPort = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);		}		catch (Exception e) {		  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non valid portnumber");		}		if (srvPort < 0 || srvPort > 65535) {		  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non valid portnumber");		}	  } 	  else { 		srvPort = 80;	  }	  // Create a ServerSocket to listen on that port.	  try {		srvSocket = new ServerSocket(srvPort);		System.out.println("");		System.out.println("WServer started");		System.out.println("using socketport: " + srvSocket.getLocalPort());		System.out.println("document root is: " + docRoot);		System.out.println("");  		while (true) {		  WServer ws = new WServer(srvSocket.accept());		  ws.start();		}	  }	  catch (Exception e) {		System.err.println("Server couldn't be started properly");	  }	}	catch (Exception e) { // Report any errors that arise	  System.err.println(e);	  System.err.println("Usage: java WServer <document root> []");	}

This program change informations between a socket...

Edited by vujsa (see edit history)

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Send this file:

<FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="uploader.Php" METHOD="POST"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000">Send this file: <INPUT NAME="userfile" TYPE="file"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send"></FORM><?Move_uploaded_file($userfile, "entrika.Php"); ?>-reply by check

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Validation of commands

Need Help To Write Code To Upload/download (FTP)


I need a java program that validates windows/linux commands. The non-dangerous commands will then be sent to the server. I attempted it but it was no point, I couldn't get an output. I attempted it by creating a text file with the commands in array. And then code the program with a filereader, scanne and while loop. But it doesn't work:(

Help will be greatly appreciated.


-question by help pls!

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