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Logan Deathbringer

Need Help With Mambo With Smf Integration wrapping SMF and installing to Mambo

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Ok I'm new to Mambo and want to put up my SMF Forum on my new site and need help coming up with a "wrapped" version of SMF and then a good bridge for it to Mambo and help getting it all done/setup. If anyone could help me with this I would be very grateful.

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If you are using SMF then I assume you have tried PHPbb too ? I personally like PHPbb, but havent tried out SMF, tough many people out there prefer SMF. But incase you want a CMS with a inbuilt forum, then i'd suggest you e107. No , m not promoting lol .. just liked the CMS cause of its fast support and nice features. Check it out, it may be worth your time :)


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well I found a good bridge at that link but now that I have it installed I had a parsing error so I uninstalled it cause I think I did the install wrong and then went back to install it but now it is saying that the directory that the componant is trying to install to is in use by another component and I can't delete the directory's in the admin/component or /component/ directories manualy, tells me direct access denied. Even when I try to delete through the cpanel file manager.Anyone know how I can fix this problem without having to reinstall mambo? I would hate to have to start from the ground up again. Thanks in advance for all the help and thanks to those that have already helped me out.

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Well, I just tried to do the same install with the most recent version of Mambo and SMF 1.1 RC1 I got install errors on the Mambo-SMF Forum 1.3.0 final for the SMF Package installer. I can only assume that the bridge is not compatible with SMF 1.1 RC1.


Went back to mamboforge.net and checked for the newest version of the bridge and downloaded it.


Mambo-SMF Forum 1.3.3 has been installed and is working fine now. I'll need to do some more testing but I should be ok.


You will need to be sure that both Mambo and SMF are using the same database. This will not work otherwise.


If you are having trouble getting the components installed in Mambo, you may need to manually uninstall the component file which is difficult.


Otherwise, once you install the bridge files, you need to properly configure the Mambo-SMF Forum Component for Mambo/Joomla.


I'm also giving some thought to upgrading to Joomla myself.


Let me know if you have any more difficulties. :)



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ok I can't seem to get it uninstalled, how would I go about uninstalling it manualy when it won't let me delete the directories. When I try to it tells me that I can't directly access the /component/com_smf/ directory. Other then that everything seems to be ok.

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Got everything working finally I would like to thank everyone that helped me out on this step of my current project it was greatly appreciated. Next I'm gonna have to see about a couple of good templets for both the Mambo CMS and the SMF so that they look like they belong together seamlessly.But I'll leave that for another day....

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I reccomend using the SMF login and registration form instead of the Mambo form. SMF asks for more information than Mambo so the user will have less to fill in in their profile after they register.

Also, if you are looking for templates for mambo, the place to go is MamboHut. http://www.mambohut.com/

I suggest a variable width template that will allow plenty of room for the forum when in use.

Also, you can turn certain menu items and modules on or off depending on the component being used so there isn't any need to have the SMF login module open when in the forum unless you remove it from the forum.

One you get your templates working correctly and all of your mods and add-ons in place, I'll show you some of the more interesting aspects of Mambo. Also, I suppose you'll need a new install of the shout box at some point in time. LOL

Glad you got everything installed. We'll see if we can salvage your old database at some point.

Talk to you later. :)


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well got it all working and stable now...thanks for all the help...will move onto new projects for my new Mambo site and will be posting again real soon. Thanks for all the help everyone, without it I doubt I'd have a stable Mambo-SMF bridge....

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Vujsa told me to start a new topic in this forum but after noticing this, i just had to continue it here because it does go according to the topic name.

OK first, I'm using the SMF-Mambo bridge located here. I downloaded the latest version of it and followed the instructions along with Vujsa's "same database" comment. So now i have a working SMF forum and a Mambo site on the same database. I installed the component for Mambo to accept SMF but when i went to package manager to install the mod that enables SMF to be integrated into Mambo, the testing wasn't successful because the system says so. (That is so obvious...doh!) I read that it says I'm supposed to change the permissions so that it is writable. I viewed all the permissions for the files and they are all at writable, executable and readable. Plus all of them have that 777 permission thing which is supposed to be correct. I went ahead with the installation anyway (only the last 2 files worked: querylog thing and login) and of course it didn't work. So i uninstalled it.

Now I'm pretty much lost. The permissions are right, right? Will gladly take any kind of help i can get thanks!

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