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Hi All... I Am Ramesh Introduction

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hi i am RameshI am from India..Age 22 yearsI want to start a blog site for which i started searching for free host providers while i found this site.... I joined this site and now am posting in this forum to increase my credit and recieve the free webspace soon...can anyone tell me whether this site really is giving free webhosting..? have you recieved...? how is the service...? (Iam sorry moderator i have to ask these questions...so dont get hurted)Ok...have a nice day..bye

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Lol, welcome to the community, seems a lot of people are from India, you doing some reconaissance m^e:DIf you want to start a blog here then it will be very easy, as soon as you have enough credits, and have been accepted a hosting account, you can sign into your cPanel (very savy) and use Fantastico - a web application that has plenty of web systems to install, from Community Forums to Blogs and Photo Logs. It even has CMS systems like Mambo (very powerful and better than PHP-NUKE). Yes, the hosting is really free and the service is excellent.You will get issued with a example.astahost.com domain, which you can easily change to anything.com if you buy a domain and point it to ns1.astahost.com and ns2.astahost.com

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can anyone tell me whether this site really is giving free webhosting..? have you recieved...? how is the service...? (Iam sorry moderator i have to ask these questions...so dont get hurted)


Yeap Ramesh, Its true, you do get free hosting ( by earning credits ofcourse ), I Registered in august, got accepted for hosting, but there was a problem from my side which didnt let me complete the registration successfully, Opaque was kind enough to help me out with the process and yeap ... i got started in no time, afterwhich i upgraded to package 2 where in Opaque and m^e were of great help.


Not just considering 2 people out here, the moderators and Admins on this site are very helpful and would try their best to help you if you are stuck anywhere whilst in the process of being hosted and also after getting hosted.


Rules are pretty simple, as guy mentioned and you are off with a hosting space for free without ADs or pop-ups. I can tell you that you will not go through tough times with asta ;) If you need any help , just post it and we'll try to help you out.


Welcome to Xisto :P




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You bet guy - I've been secretly lobbying around. Shhhhhhh... don't utter a word about it - just between you n' me (looks around suspiciously)Welcome aboard Ramesh - and get yer lazy bum to work.. :P err.. I mean go on .. make some posts.. shoo shoooo...Have a great stay with us at Asta ;)

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just for the records, i'm from indian origin too. i am in mauritius.Ramesh, welcome. why is your post count '0' ?? get going i think this site rocks as hosting!whether this site is really giving free webhosting: YES, but you have to post some meaningful decent posts, and acquire credits and apply for your hosting, and you get it alright as you would want! you should acquire 10 credits with about 10 posts, i guess, although this depends on the length of what you write. you can still surf on more posts or rules and how this system works to get know more of it, i just gave an overview.dhanesh, nice siggie there!

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