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Creating Your Own 3d Pictures

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On the site of the NASA you can find a nice trick to make your own red-green 3D pictures in a very easy way.

It's very, very simple. You just need a digital camera and a Photoshop-like program. They explain it step by step so it's easy to follow. You need a picture and copy that so you got two of them. By make the one red and the other green you create the 3D effect. The trick is to find the balance so you can see both pictures.
If you work with photoshop or paintshop you could imagine it by yourself, couldn't you? :)

Here's the site, it's a very nice trick.


Hope you'll like it.


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Wow, that was the best red-green 3d tutorial I've ever seen. I used the mars pictures they provided and made one myself. I never knew you had to shift one of the images to the right spot, so I kept having trouble making this in the past. I wonder how they make those color anaglyphs. I know about that infrared-transmission thing, but I don't know how polarization works.Thanks for the great link, jeroen.

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You could do that in movies too, but you would have to edit every single image of the movie if you don't use more advanced software. Just a little maths: 24 images per second to let it move smoothly, 60 second per minute, 60 minutes per hour. Then for a little movie of 10 minutes you need to edit 24*60*10(wait a sec, im taking my calculator)=14400 images, say you need one minutes per images = 14400/60 = 240 images per hour = 10 days non-stop work. I don't think you got that much patient do you. And yes, you need to have a couple of 3D glasses to view it, but they aren't that exspensive for so far as I know.-=jeroen=-

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