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This Is My Cartoon Lion I request your suggestions

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Yes, the head is too long, but it is also too small compared to the body. Change that and see how it turns out.The colors you chose are great. I want to know how you made the outline of the lion sometimes thick and sometimes thin (Like how the outline of the rear part is thicker than the outline of the body). I've seen this effect a lot, but I just can't figure out how it is done.

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What program did you use to design this picture? It looks interesting i can tell, very "cartoony". Like you said, the head has a bit of a problem though because it's a bit too long. Make the head a little more squarish than rectangular. I think maybe you should curve the muzzle part of it too to give it a more feminine structure. I'm not a pro at this digital art but I'm guessing if you try to look at some other artist's impressions of lions you might be able to get something out of it. Maybe you should try Calvin and Hobbes? Even though Hobbes is a tiger it has the face structure of a cute little cat and lions are cats.

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Good suggestion, rapco. The legs do look too short now that I think about it.Szupie, you might be right about the size of the head. I'll experiment with that factor when I'm doodling in class, tomorrow. To answer your question, I'm not very good at lines, so I have to go over my lines with the paintbrush and eraser many times until they're smooth. This gives me an opportunity to make them as thick as I want them.Techocian, your comment made me realize that I should have taken a feminine approach to this picture. She is a lioness, after all. I'm sure now that rounded edges would have been more effective. To answer your question, I used Photoshop CS to make this.

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Ohh... You had to draw the lines multiple times... Well, I'll try to see if I can do that.I thought you lion was drawn in some vector program, like Flash or Illustrator. Now I know.

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i find it rather nice.... even tough it can be considered more of a caricaturised lion.... but looking at it as a "normal" cartoon lion... the head is too long and it's not wide enough to match the body... and the legs are in an abnormal position... and i think they are too short too !

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looking at the picture and at the legs im sorry but that to funny ahahaha. but i try making it look some what more realistic/cartoonish then traight cartoonish.

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