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10 Funny Quotes From Irc A short list of funny quotes.

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I was searching for IRC conversations on the web, wandering around I have found some that people have posted online because they are so funny. Here are 10 I liked and can actually post:*Note the following quotes are not written by me nor modified, doing so breaks the originality of them. I simply found them and I am sharing them to you. #1<MasterG> ..................................................................... ..................................<judas> where's pacman when you need him?#2<tag> Ouroboros: lets play Pong<Ouroboros> Ok.<tag> | .<Ouroboros> . |<tag> | .<Ouroboros> . |<tag> | .<Ouroboros> | .<Ouroboros> Whoops#3<i8b4uUnderground> d-_-b<BonyNoMore> how u make that inverted b?<BonyNoMore> wait<BonyNoMore> never mind#4<Zanthis(ALE)> AFK, tornado#5<Sui88> 67% of girls are stupid<V-girl> i belong with the other 13%#6<frank> can you help me install GTA3?<knightmare> first, shut down all programs you aren't usingfrank has quit IRC. (Quit)<knightmare> ...#7<Sonium> someone speak python here?<lucky> HHHHHSSSSSHSSS<lucky> SSSSS<Sonium> the programming language#8<Mendo> lmao there's a wicked lookign spider on my monitor and if i move the mouse around he chases after it <spitfire> haha mendo <spitfire> take a screen shot <spitfire> wait <spitfire> that made no sense#9<DigiGnome> Real life should have a !"#$ search function, or something.<DigiGnome> I need my socks.#10<mage> what should I give sister for unzipping?<Kevyn> Um. Ten bucks?<mage> no I mean like, WinZip?

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Had an absolutely good laugh out of them. One of'em practically dropped me to the floor. No really. I've never been on IRC but I've been to plenty of chatrooms but none as funny as this. It's hilarious. Thanks for sharing them it really gives a good laugh out of anyone stressed out like me because I've got tons of homework....well the laughter has subsided - back to work d-.-bP.S How did u do the inverted b? :);):P:):D:D:D:D:P:P

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I can't be ceratin, but these quotes do look like bash ones, I remember reading AFK Tornado on bash. Be sure you quote when you copy anything. As far as bash goes, it is mostly crude, but some good ones come through. My favorite is: ascii stupid question, get a stupid ansii. The Xisto IRC channel (#Xisto on dalnet) has had a couple that are bash worthy, if more people come hang out there (and this means you m^e) we can generate a bunch.~Viz

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<Ben174> : If they only realized 90% of the overtime they pay me is only cause i like staying here playing with Kazaa when the bandwidth picks up after hours.<ChrisLMB> : If any of my employees did that they'd be fired instantly.
<Ben174> : Where u work?
<ChrisLMB> : I'm the CTO at LowerMyBills.com
*** Ben174 (BenWright@TeraPro33-41.LowerMyBills.com) Quit (Leaving)

This one is sooooo good :D:D:P:D:P:D

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Why can't I find this f***** edit button or why isn't there an edit button on this forum :D . Now it looks like I'm spamming :D (NOT, these quotes are too good to be left on bash)

<NES> lol<NES> I download something from Napster
<NES> And the same guy I downloaded it from starts downloading it from me when I'm done
<NES> I message him and say "What are you doing? I just got that from you"
<NES> "getting my song back ****er"

<T-Wolf> man, my girlfriend left me for some *BLEEP* named robert<RdAwG20> you don't live in Hope mills do you?
<T-Wolf> ya, why man?
<RdAwG20> lol, just wondering, was her namne alisson?
<T-Wolf> you mother ****er

<Jeedo> hey baby, whats up?<Indidge> umm....nothing?
<Jeedo> So....want me to like come over today so we can ****?
<Indidge> Wait....did you want to speak to my daughter?
<Jeedo> Yes Mrs.Miller.. :-/

docsigma2000: jesus christ mandocsigma2000: my son is sooooooo dead
c8info: Why?
docsigma2000: hes been looking at internet web sites in ****ing EUROPE
docsigma2000: our ****ing phone bill is gonna be nuts
c8info: Ooh, this is bad. Surfing long distance adds an extra $69.99 to your bill per hour.
docsigma2000: ...!!!!!! **** **** ****
docsigma2000: is there some plan we can sign up for???
docsigma2000: cuz theres some cool stuff in europe, but i dun wanna pauy that much
c8info: Sorry, no. There is no plan. you'll have to live with it.
docsigma2000: o well, i ccan live without europe intenet sites.
docsigma2000: but till i figure out how to block it hes sooooo dead
c8info: By the way, I'm from Europe, your chatting long distance.
** docsigma2000 has quit (Connection reset by peer)

<MooseOnDaLoose> Hey Mike<goatboy> what?
<MooseOnDaLoose> *****.
<goatboy> er?
<MooseOnDaLoose> *****.
<goatboy> and?
<MooseOnDaLoose> *****.
<goatboy> ...
<MooseOnDaLoose> *****.
<goatboy> i dont get it
<goatboy> bastard

<LordChewy> so my dad found my porn folder<LordChewy> and he was getting all pissed
<LordChewy> so its all like "does this surprise you? i'm not stupid you know"
<LordChewy> "i know dad"
<LordChewy> "what do you have to say for yourself?"
<LordChewy> at this point i stare at him straight in the eyes and say "C:Documents and SettingsRickyMy Documentsfaxessent faxes"
<LordChewy> and he just shut up
<kingKahn> what is it?
<LordChewy> its his porn folder

<calin> we had a guy at school that wore black lipstick.. and was all gothy.. and then one day we caught him buying an assvibrator <ecoli> ew.<ecoli> wait, you "caught" him?<ecoli> like, you were behind him in line at the assvibrator store?<Aero> he doesnt answer*** Quits: calin (No route to host)

<studdud> what the **** is wtf

<scirDSL> I hated going to weddings. All the grandmas would poke me saying "You're next". They stopped that when I started doing it to them at funerals.

<@David> Yay I get laid today! Been a month.... needing it by now<@Sony> ...........
<@David> Only a few hundred pounds but its better than nothing
<Malpine> Thanks for the info
<@David> eh?
<@David> damn i meant PAID
<@David> I get PAID today
<@David> dammit

<Fenris> My mom found me perusing bash.org and looking up quotes about incest, and was like OMG!<Fenris> Now she actually goes there regularly to make sure there aren't any new text words that have been searched for
<Fenris> I saw her looking at the site yesterday, and was like, "WTF??"
<Fenris> And she said she was just checking to see what kind of stuff I look at online.
<Fenris> I swear, someday I'm just going to rape that *****.
<ctone> ...
<ctone> now theres a quote for bash.org
<Fenris> Don't you ****ing dare.

<Stormrider> I should bomb something<Stormrider> ...and it's off the cuff remarks like that that are the reason I don't log chats
<Stormrider> Just in case the FBI ever needs anything on me
<Elzie_Ann> I'm sure they can just get it from someone who DOES log chats.
*** FBI has joined #gamecubecafe
<FBI> We saw it anyway.
*** FBI has quit IRC (Quit: )

<Batty> Euch, rap is just missing one letter. c.<zeep> rapc?
<Batty> ...
<Batty> Crap you idiot. you put the c on the other end
<zeep> oic
<Batty> Though you could also say it's missing an e
<zeep> wtf is erap?
* Batty bangs his head repeatedly against a wall

<Raven> I tried setting my hotmail password to penis.<Raven> It said my password wasn't long enough. :P

(morganj): 0 is false and 1 is true, correct?(alec_eso): 1, morganj
(morganj): bastard.

<born1986> why the **** isn't my disc drive working<born1986> i ****ing worked on that essay for three friggin' hours in school
<born1986> i now i cant finish it 'cos my ****in drive ain't working
<Z00ass> you got the right drivers?
<born1986> hell yes
<born1986> it was working fine yesterday
<born1986> why does this **** always happen to me?
<Z00ass> maybe that little clip on the side is i nthe wrong position
<born1986> i havent touched it since school
<born1986> i'm growing impatient
<born1986> ANGRY even
<Z00ass> throw that **** out tha window

. . .

<born1986> OMG i ****in did it!!!
<born1986> ****!!!!!
<Z00ass> it works?
<born1986> no, i threw it out the window
<Z00ass> the disk?
<born1986> NO the whole drive
<born1986> i live on the 6th floor, made a nice *smash*
<Z00ass> :D
<born1986> **** **** ****
<born1986> brb

. . .

<born1986> ****
<Z00ass> what? did ya break it?
<born1986> well i couldn't open the drive
<born1986> so i had to pound it against a rock
<Z00ass> :D
<born1986> quite HARD
<born1986> and you know what?
<born1986> that ****ing disk wasnt even there
<Z00ass> ???
<born1986> i got so mad i threw the remaiders of the drive on to the freeway
<born1986> and when i got back upstairs i foud the disk inside my bag
<Z00ass> lol
<born1986> i'm actually cryin right now

. . .
<born1986> wonder if i could make that drive work again
<born1986> brb

<@Chin^> My sister caught me jacking off the other week and calls me a pervert<@Chin^> just the other day i walked into my room and caught my sister masturbating
<@Chin^> So she calls me a pervert again?!?
<@Chin^> there is no justice in the world...

<kyourek> There was a 23% drop in temperature.<nappyjallapy> That's almost 25%!
<kyourek> ... That was one of the most worthless comments I've ever heard.

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damn, quote not working :D . Whathever the previous post was worth in point, don't add it, nor this post, nor the post before my previous post. Damn, no I feel like I'm a spammer :D . Never mind, I should learn to shout up

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ok umm i duno how this is, but just giving my part in the funny fest. Its not a quote tho but a conversation .. here goes .. :D


BinLaden9151: hello

XprezbushX: who is this

BinLaden9151: osama

XprezbushX: thats a funny name

BinLaden9151: at least its not bush lol

XprezbushX: shut up

BinLaden9151: did u get my message

XprezbushX: whut message

BinLaden9151: u know, my message

BinLaden9151: it wuz delivered by airmail

BinLaden9151: right into ur trade towers

XprezbushX: shut up that wasnt funny

BinLaden9151: lol

XprezbushX: SHUT UP!!!! :X

BinLaden9151: r u mad

XprezbushX: yah

BinLaden9151: why??????

XprezbushX: u messed with my country

BinLaden9151: well now u know how i feel

XprezbushX: whut do u mean

BinLaden9151: other countries and forces hurt my people all the time

XprezbushX: hello!!! whut duz that have 2 do with us

BinLaden9151: like u give guns and money and missiles and stuff 2 a lot of those people

XprezbushX: oic

XprezbushX: but ur terrorists, how can u speak out against violence

BinLaden9151: jeez u label anybody who goes against injustice a terrorist

BinLaden9151: i bet if u were picking on my little brother and i punched u youd start screaming TERRORIST! TERRORIST!

XprezbushX: i never touched ur little brother

XprezbushX: besides there r other, more civilized ways 2 battle injustice

BinLaden9151: ur missing the point

XprezbushX: whutz the point anyway

BinLaden9151: i love my people like brothers and ur military is all up in our holy land!!! 1

BinLaden9151: its pissing us off

XprezbushX: whatever dude

XprezbushX: is that all

BinLaden9151: no

BinLaden9151: another thing is, imperialistic american globalization is a raging torrent thats going to wash away our borders, our cultures and our identities

XprezbushX: whut do u mean

BinLaden9151: im afraid that tomorrow im going to wake up and see a mcdonalds next to my mosque

BinLaden9151: and ur troops will be like, relax yall, just have a happy meal!!

XprezbushX: so whut r u wearing

BinLaden9151: ???

XprezbushX: sorry wrong window lol

BinLaden9151: lol

XprezbushX: ok so whut were u saying

BinLaden9151: like

BinLaden9151: basically

BinLaden9151: a lot of all the jets and tanks and gunships that terrorize us might as well be painted red, white and blue

XprezbushX: a/s/l

BinLaden9151: ???

XprezbushX: sorry wrong window again



XprezbushX: hello r u there

BinLaden9151: YESS!!

XprezbushX: u started all this anyway

BinLaden9151: did not!

XprezbushX: u did too!

BinLaden9151: u started it!!

XprezbushX: lalalala

XprezbushX: i cant hear u

BinLaden9151: i will make ur life a living hell

XprezbushX: haha ur acting like a 13 year old girl who just got her phone taken away

BinLaden9151: shut up

BinLaden9151: ur immature

XprezbushX: no u r

BinLaden9151: i know u r but what am i


XprezbushX: cant hear u

BinLaden9151: SHUT UP

XprezbushX: NO U SHUT UP

XprezbushX: relax, have a happy meal lol

BinLaden9151: ARRRGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!11

XprezbushX: i think our blind rage is obscuring solutions--can we set aside our feelings and just talk about this like civilized humans??




Previous message was not received by BinLaden9151 because of error: User BinLaden9151 is not available.

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Haha whenever I get bored at work I often roam bash's pages, good times to be had there haha. Some hilarious ones if you look long enough


I have to check that out, I often get bored when I am just online, doing nothing, I could use some humor in my life. :D

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I've not been in irc. But I liked the first one where they play pong. That is really hilarious.I agree that bash is a good site. Nice when you are moody. I still can't help laugh at that pong.

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ROTFL! Oh, man ... I wish that I'd kept some of my old IRC chats - they were so, so funny sometimes.Too bad the school's network won't let me have IRC *sniff, sniff* Anyone have any ideas about creative ways to get around it? *grins*

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