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Email suspension

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Hello all was wondering if anyone recieved an email saying their hosting has been suspended?

I received and email today and when i came here and checked my hosting credits i have 4 to my name it has never but one time dropped below 0. Was this email in error? if so can we get it fixed please. below is the email quoted.

Hello Trystim,
We are sorry to inform you that, your web hosting account at has been suspended due to your prolonged inactivity or Lack of Hosting credits. We had dispatched a warning email to all the members so that they could check their hosting credits.


If you want to un-suspend your hosting account, you will have to make posts at our forums and collect the required number of hosting credits. Once you have sufficient amount of credits, your account will be un-suspended automatically.

If you do not un-suspend your account within one month, it will be terminated automatically. We will consider that you no longer require our services. After termination, your files are un-recoverable.

To check your hosting Credits, Please log on to our forums. [ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ]

To Cancel your hosting account with us, Please visit our page here. We recommend you to cancel your account if you are not going to use it. Please backup your files before cancelling. It will free our server resources which can be used to provide hosting to others. [ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ]

Cpanel Username : trystim


The Management.

or is it spoof email and to be ignored? Usually Opaques signature is at the bottom of the rest of the emails i have recieved from trap. If so then we need to bust the person doing the spoofing. Here is where the return email is to go to
Return-Path: <Xisto@dasher.psychz.net> It doesn't give a return address IP but i can give you a copy of the report i get if it is false and being spoofed.

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This email looks legit, but as for the email address itself, i am unsure. However, since that your webhosting account has not been suspened, and i checked your site, and it is still functioning, sp it is probably a spoof email by some malicoius person.

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It sounds fake but look legit. The email should of came form administator@Xisto.com <Managment>. It could be a joke from a nother Xisto members " if it is a joke its not funny". However something did catch my eye dasher.psychz.net is something that the admin was telling me about its our new servers or something of that nature.a few months a ago when ever you typed in Xisto.com you got https://www.psychz.net/ for a few minutes that was all that it would due and since Xisto forums have moved over to a different server that email may be legit but not correct.Since you account seems fine please discard it for now

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I ever received it from there.& my credit on -2 or lower.then acount suspended.just post some post then you received another mail sai your account reactive again?Ha..

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