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My New System which will be mine on July 5th

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First of all, every blessed child of bits and print plates needs eyes, thus a screen. I opted for a CRT monitor, mainly because the response time of LCD/TFT is too slow to my liking and the prices are unreal still here. I also read several reviews saying that colors can be distorted on a TFT screen, which is not the case with CRT. After some peeking around and counting money (believe me, budget was an essential element in my choices) I opted for a ViewSonic G90F - B. This is a monitor from the Graphic Series, which is designed for people who are not professionals, but work with graphics often (or gamers :lol:). The B just means I chose the black version, which will simply look nice with my case.


My beast's skin is plain and simple, I chose a CompuCase, which apparently is a German brand. THe case has silencer stuff built in which ensures a quiet computer (or so I hope). My reason for this is simple, I hardly ever turn off my computer and sleep in the same room (my office is my bedroom LOL) so quietness is handy. For the pic, see attachment. THe speakers you see, are Ozaki 2.1 Speakers, which come with the system. Speakers are not that important, I only use em for DUH music. But don't do editting so I don't need the huge 7.1 sets.


Of course, every beast has to have some beauty under it's skin. I'll list the main specs :lol: Because I am beyond happy about this.

AMD Athlon64 3400+

Maxtor 120GB HD 7200RPM

1024MB DDR@400MHz RAM

Dolby 7.1 Channel sound card

NIC card (of course)

Radeon 9250 128MB Graphics card, wih double VGA out.

CD-ROM, CD-Writer, Floppy and probably DVD writer Dual layer

6 x USB2

5 x PCI

Game-Midi port

Win XP Pro

I am aware of the fact that it's not the best out there, but I am quite happy with these specs, since I have a very limited budget, with the monitor this only costs me 900€. That's practically nothing.

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Sounds great, I would love to change with you :lol: , lol, that wouldn't make much difference, I've got almost the same thing, AMD Athlon64 3400+, 1024MB graphical card etc. The only difference is the Screen. I've got LCD screen and I totaly don't like it, it crash sometimes without any reason and the resolutions are not too good.I don't know where you gonna use your computer for, but you maybe could use some additional diskspace, I would suggest something around 200GB. -Jeroen-

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I don't know where you gonna use your computer for, but you maybe could use some additional diskspace, I would suggest something around 200GB.

You said you did graphics.... but if you do any video stuff, you would really probably want a little bigger hdd. Mainly because video editting/storing takes up a lot of space.

i like the specs of your computer. I am soon going to be making my own and will have a little issue with money, but I am probably going to be looking at similar specs :lol:

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I would enjoy specs like that... except the last point... :lol:

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Giniu, how does this sound? Windows will be preinstalled on a 60GB Partition, another 60GB Partition will be made and is left solely for Linux :lol: I don't do video editting just yet, the main idea behind this pc is to have a good base for later upgrades, which definately include a bigger slave HD :lol: And probably a second screen and new video card. But thanks for the comments everyone :lol:My current system is a laptop which heats up soo fast now, I can't keep it cool. (PII 333MHz, 12GB HD, 256MB RAM IB Thinkpad 390E) so I do need this new machine and earned it after saving money and working on this dinosaur for 3 yrs.

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AMD Athlon64 3400+

dont these CPU's just ROCK !!!
you will love the frequency scaling with the onDemand govenor !

Im curiouse how much total the system cost ?

I have pretty much the same setup, except a Nvidia GeForce FX 5700 LE graphics card. and a 17inch TFT monitor.

cost me approx ÂŁ600

computers are sooo much cheaper when you build em yourself :lol:

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Oh DOH me, I forgot to say that qwiji. LOL..Basically I added a DVD RW Dual layer to it as well, the total price with screen is 942EURO. :lol: which is 624 quid and $1139I can hardly wait, I just wish I could sleep for a week, actually I want it to be July 5th LOLThe screen I chose was no longer in stock, which means that it would take til late july to get it. So I opted for a different monitor, on advice of OpaQue and M^e. I chose the Neovo F417, which is a 17" TFT monitor. Ok, it's only 17", but a 19" CRT only has 18" viewable, so this is not too bad. The cool thing is that I saved 50€.

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