amrit_i 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2005 Seems to me that the confusion is dual and everyone is solving only one. Yes neither mass nor energy can be created or destroyed. Mass of a baby does come from all the biological stuff that has been mentioned and i am not knowledgeable about. But what about the energy? Apart from a physical and biological question, this issue is also psychological or even metaphysical. The energy of a baby can also be equated to its consciousness. The glucose, sucrose etc does give it the ability to move and walk etc, but why does it move and walk? that in itself is also an energy but since energy cannot be created, where does that come from.Many might not appreciate that im including religion into this but the truth is that the principle of reincarnation is far seperate from just a religion. Almost every psychic in the world today claims that reincarnation is true and most of the Eastern religions do the same. A baby's energy is not created but is derived from its soul which has in the past inhabited many bodies and is a storehouse of information and experience. This philosophy ofcourse creates so much more questions but that perhaps deserves a thread of its own. Suffice to say that yes, energy is not created, a baby has it because the REAL baby is within the physical body and has "always been there". To explain this concept of "always been there" take the example of 2 creatures on of which lives for 1 second and the other for 100 years. To the former the latter does in fact live infinitely and the former does not possess the ability to fathom a period of 100 years, hence terms it infinity. The baby derives its energy from its infinite and eternal existence. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lorenzo 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2005 I'm not the smartest person out there so you guys feel free to correct me if i'm wrong on this one. Im gonna answer your question (where do babies come from) as simple as it gets. When a woman is ovulating and the sperm meets the eggs, and it gets fertilized. You've mentioned that babies come from what pregnant women consumes. We grow from food energy, (that includes every human being, not just unborn babies), not come from it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
illini319 0 Report post Posted March 21, 2006 Did everyone forget the question? Where do babies come from? simple, from baby with a 'teensy' amount of help from mother. The mother of a child dissassembles and assembles countless molecules through an orchestration of metabolic processes so conserved a single bacterium possesses much of the same machinery. All of these molecules would normally be destined to be for her own maintenance and growth. So where is the baby in this picture? Where does baby get the building blocks of life? Well, most certainly from mom... But they do not come directly from the hamburger with peanut butter spread (trust me... pregnant women get the strangest cravings...) that she ate earlier in the day. Nope, she broke that winning food combination down and apportioned all of it for herself. The fetus will establish a placenta to be able to obtain all the nutrients from mom it needs to do its own disassembly and assembly of organic compounds. The fetus will grab the building blocks of proteins and DNA, oxygen... oh and some sugar for energy. In return, the fetus will give mommy waste products such as urea and carbon dioxide. In many remarkable ways the two organisms, mom and baby, are quite separate. Lots of trading is going on, to be sure. But since you asked, while mom is certainly helping in the process of the baby, the baby is doing much of the work. The baby is ultimately the one breaking down what mom gives and then rebuilding it into the parts that it needs to make itself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
austiniskoge 0 Report post Posted October 25, 2006 So, there you go. Here's a mini- study guide just in case you weren't paying attention at school. By the looks of it, the dude who started this thread was either asleep or "chemically impaired" while sitting in on an important lesson.Ah, high school. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mitchellmckain 0 Report post Posted October 29, 2006 miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG said: ????[/tab]Following up on this, from a physics point of view - why can't there be spirits... or more likely, we often come across scenarios where people claim they remember things from their past life.From a physics point of view? Physics is based on objective observation and measurable quantites. What is their about spirits which are objectively observable or measurable? Nothing. There for physics cannot say a single thing about them. The question is whether anything exists which is not objectively observable. Well do you believe that love exists? And I am not talking about some attempt to explain it away with psychological/biological gobbledigook. To believe in love requires faith, and there is nothing objectively observable about love of this sort. Is this a proof? Of course not. It is faith. miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG said: ????Now once our body+brain's dead - whichever way our bodies get destroyed - either cremation or by natural decomposition in a coffin, the atomic particles are assimilated into the atmosphere... Now what would prevent the same particles from getting transferred to a newborn foetus through some sort of carrier ?? Say through the soil - through the food the mom eats.. there can be 'n' number of ways this can happen..Particles are very simple forms of energy described by mathematical equations in which there is no room for any memory of where they have been. In fact according to quantum mechanics, since these particles are interchangeable, they do probabilisically interchange. In other words, trying to identify particles which came from a particular source is meaningless because in short order it is shared out among all other particles in percentages. miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG said: ????Next, let us take into consideration - the concept of DNAs - if an ultramicroscopic chain of atoms can retain information (lets name it 'memory' in this case) and blueprint of the human body - the same way a group of atoms that got dispersed from the dead human might retain part of his memory too - either through some sort of grouping giving rise to a specific magnetic orientation.. or.. through some unknown principle that we haven't figured out yet... The information stored in DNA includes nothing of what is learned by individual creatures - none of the experiences which are the content of our memories. The information stored in DNA is gathered in a time scale whose moments are generations and the only information it stores are the genetic variations that have managed to survive long enough to reproduce. miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG said: [tab]Maybe I wasn't able to explain this very clearly, but if you read through this - you'll surely see some faint vestiges of logic that can explain the whole concept of reincarnation and past-life's memory..So to justify such beliefs as you are talking about, you must as I said before, believe in the existence of things which are not objectively observable or measurable (as I do). To believe that memories are passed on, means that you must believe in something which contains these memories that continues to exist after the death of the body and mind - that which is commonly refered to as the spirit. But where do spirits come from? Are they objects created elsewhere or are they created by the process of life itself. If they are created elsewhere then are they lying in wait to posess infants which are born (pretty creepy if you ask me) or are the stuffed into the infants like inanimate objects by some higher being? If they are created elsewhere then is there an infinite supply or is there a danger of running out, or they manufactured as needed to meet the needs of a growing population? Since this idea of being created elsewhere generates more questions than it answers then the idea that they are created by the process of life itself seems much more reasonable (and less creepy) to me, and any "phenomenon of reincarnation" is simply the transfer or sharing of past memories between spirits of those departed and those still alive. Well I guess it is a matter of taste I suppose. Perhaps some people prefer to believe that their child is an old soul simply rediscovering the things of life, trying once more to do it right, while others like myself prefer to believe that their child is something absolutely new in the world with a completely unexplored range of infinite possibilities. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iGuest 3 Report post Posted October 24, 2007 The funny thing is that there are people out there who think that kind of stuff just happens and didn't have to be designed to happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iGuest 3 Report post Posted August 18, 2010 Proper Geishan Is Mass Never Created Or Destroyed?As Lord of the Universe I can comment (using capitals or ithy tichy letters) that it's all down to how many Storks land in your garden on a given night. The Zygotes lost the last battle of the Van Allan Rings near the planet Whitevanallen and are no longer part of the scenario. I of course can create and destroy energy and matter at the blink of an eye, I've even baked the odd pizza in the blink of an eye or rather after a few cannies it seemd like one... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ahsaniqbalkmc 0 Report post Posted October 14, 2010 ebbinger_413 said: i was browsing the web this weekend and i came accross an interesting topic of discussion....where do babies come from...unfortanatly i cant find the original thread but i will sum up what i stated that (as far as we know...on this planet) all living things are made up of carbon molecules...and also that matter is neither created nor destroyed but it went on about those two theories for a couple of paragraphs before finally getting to the point of where babies come said that the mother consumes food (meant vegies w/e) and her body takes that food and breaks it down (gets the carbon and other molecules needed to make a baby) and rearranges these molecules to make dna (carbon based)...and that her body would continue consuming food and turning it into, esentially, the the whole topic basicly stayed on the matter that a baby doesnt come from the comes from the food she consumes (and the carbon that maks up that food)...i am no science wizz or anything...(i actually hate science class, but this stuff is interesting)...but isnt it energy is neither created nor destroyed...which would mean that this whole topic that i found was...well...falsecan someone help me here.... WHERE DO BABIES COME FROM ! Notice from vizskywalker: changed topic title to better reflect the primary question It is not like energy can neither be created not destroyed or mass can neither be created nor destroyed. It is actually a combination of the two. Mass cannot be created or destroyed if the energy remains constant. Or energy cannot be created or destroyed if the mass remains constant. It is actually a relative thing not an absolute one. Mass can be converted into energy (e.g the nuclear energy obtained from fission and fusion). In this phenomenon mass is destroyed which is against the law if we takes the law as stating that mass cannot be created or destroyed (without explaining any relation with the energy). Actually when the mass is destroyed the energy increases. Similarly when energy is destroyed mass does increase. Actually mass is nothing but a very concentrated form of energy so the process of conversion of mass into energy is like concentrated form of energy being converted into less concentrated form of energy.The Baby birth has nothing to do with this concept because neither mass is converted into energy or energy converted into mass in the process of baby birth. I will give you a simple example. A room full of bricks lying one on the other occupies the space equal to the volume of the room but when proper shape is given and walls and ceilings are formed the same amount of bricks can form a good sized building. Similar is the case with the arrangement of molecules in food and in the living body. In food the particles are more concentrated but when arranged in an efficient way they can form big structures. The actual source of income for the body of baby is nothing but the actual source of income for the body of the mother. A very simple proof for this fact is that the need of every type of nutrients whether vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, water, proteins etc etc, increase in the period of pregnancy and if this increase in demand is not met then the offspring suffers from different disabilities.This proves that the actual source is nothing but the food that the mother eats Share this post Link to post Share on other sites