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Any Features You'd Want For SMF

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We all SMF users know that it's a great system... but it's not perfect.So do you have anything that you wish would be fixed, altered, enabled or ammended? I've got couple.First the calendar. While it is a great addition to the system and it is fantastic that it's part of the basic package (ie. not a modification) it still needs some more features. Mainly, recurring events. It is quite common that groups or clubs or whatever hold weekly or monthly events, however the system does not allow you to post them with one action. So recurring events to the calender so that you could post events that happen weekly/monthly/annually or better yet with the option of posting bi-weekly (ect...) events. I believe that would be a big step on making SMF a centre of a groups or clubs site, if its not that already.Other thing... The smiley sets. This is not a major problem but it should also be quite a easy to fix. Currently, you cannot easily set which simleys from a set appears at the posting page directly. Currently you'd need to do this smiley by smiley which is quite time consuming task. So easy mass editing for smileys. :(

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