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Aim Hacking My experiance with a hacker

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Well my AIM was hacked a while ago some guy was able to read all my convos and i'm like wtf well turns out the cops got him and he got kicked out of school and is always being monitred while on a computer ! and well hacking is just lame. I was looking around and theres websites were you can boot people from aim and get peoples password is that even legal ???? do any of you do that kinda thing ?

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doesnt use aim because i never liked how it looked... booting.. its legal i guess stealing passwords isnt but its not to easy to do... i know that with yahoo you can just get a program that will boot ppl off the chat room..or their messenger.. i think aim is the same.. however lots of those programs are made so that they can get your password..so beware.. may i ask how you were hacked? did they actually crack your password..or did they just log you or what.. and how did you catch him?

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doesnt use aim because i never liked how it looked... booting.. its legal i guess stealing passwords isnt but its not to easy to do... i know that with yahoo you can just get a program that will boot ppl off the chat room..or their messenger.. i think aim is the same.. however lots of those programs are made so that they can get your password..so beware..


may i ask how you were hacked? did they actually crack your password..or did they just log you or what.. and how did you catch him?


he was talkign about it and some guy o0verheard and I toold a parent so and had sent in a few complaints so yeah he got in big trouble it was worth it though.

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Consider yourself lucky, if it were me, you wouldn't know :(. And still how did you get so called hacked, I can't imagine he hacked the AIM server or something, he just probably did one of the 4 things here: 1. guessed your pass2. logged your pass3. sent you a program you opened that sent him your pass4. unlikely, bruteforced your pass

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I'm not sure, I think they do. AOL has it, buts its optional.Those security questions are really annoying. You could have the most secure password in the world, "guarded" with a question that someone could get the answer to by talking to you for five minutes. It's really pathetic that so few places let you choose your own question.

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Unless you can create a model that creates the most possible combination of keys that you get when i mash my keyboard randomly you're not likely to find out my secret answer.TIPTake questions like "What's my pet's name" and answer like this.asdflj12l34j12089sdfasdlfkjl12j3l1j23409809qw8er0qwerjlasdjfWanna bet that noone guesses that? Only problem is that you cannot afford to lose your normal password.

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Yeah, I always just put down some bogus answer or bogus question.---------------------------------------------What was your mother's maiden name?---------------------------------------------I don't know----------------------------------------------LOL

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I'm not sure, I think they do. AOL has it, buts its optional.


Those security questions are really annoying. You could have the most secure password in the world, "guarded" with a question that someone could get the answer to by talking to you for five minutes. It's really pathetic that so few places let you choose your own question.


well I call it hacking he was spying on what i was saying. And yeah I hate when you can't choose your security question so I put my oreantion in my profile that i'm straight but really i'm not and they always put straight so they normally give up but still its illigal invasion of privacy ! and sitese that give out applications to steal passwords should be taken down/

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and sitese that give out applications to steal passwords should be taken down

if you talking about keyloggers they have legitimate uses as well...as for all the other things... really its not going to happen... ever

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yall are way off, there are three types of internet exploring, there is surfing, hacking, and cracking. "Hackers" are just people who know what they are doing and like to mess around on the internet and get enjoyment out of looking at the infrastructure of certian web pages, hackers arnt the ones that steal your credit card numbers and such. "Crackers" on the other hand are the ones you have to look out for, they are the ones who like to figure out people passwords and go in and change the source code of their webpage to make it say something vulgar. There is a way to hack somebodies aim account using php where aim will send you the password instead of the intended person, but i wouldnt kno :(

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yall are way off, there are three types of internet exploring, there is surfing, hacking, and cracking. "Hackers" are just people who know what they are doing and like to mess around on the internet and get enjoyment out of looking at the infrastructure of certian web pages, hackers arnt the ones that steal your credit card numbers and such. "Crackers" on the other hand are the ones you have to look out for, they are the ones who like to figure out people passwords and go in and change the source code of their webpage to make it say something vulgar. There is a way to hack somebodies aim account using php where aim will send you the password instead of the intended person, but i wouldnt kno :(


seems like you do know lol well Idk well I'm in general buisness nad marketing classes and the def for a hacker is a person who does whatever it was he does (not in those words) online for illigal purposes so yeah your wrong buddy and whats the difference between a cracker and a hacker ????? but its okay I went on a forum to complain about what they are doing to make the interent a worse place and some of the downloads well actually most were viruses so they got what they deserved !

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You know, up till now i still don't really get it. Why would anyone want to hack an Aim account? Firstly, the hacker might be yur friend who wants to know your deepest secrets or something to blackmail you. How? It's not like you keep your secrets in e-mail! Second, they want to copy your contact list and send viruses to your friends. WHy? No idea. They could just go into a chatroom, copy some e-mails and they'll be off. THirdly, its fun. Now do you all see what's going on here? The most likely reason the hacker hacked into your Aim account was because he thought it was FUN. God....the world is really changing nowadays huh? Many years back it was "What's the internet? Is it some black magic?". Today it's more of "Ooo the internet! Let's hack some people!" I just don't believe the society these days and today's hackers. Some day there might be even a "Hacker War"... :(

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There are hacker wars all the time, actually. They occur when a hacker hacks another hacker (usually without knowing the other guy is a hacker) and a turf war results. Then there are bttles between hackers and SysAdmins.~Viz

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