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Hidden Groups In SMF? Can you do it? Is there a mod?

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Hey fellow SMF'ers. I was wondering, can you do hidden groups in SMF? What I mean by hidden group is a similar to what phpBB has, ie. people who do not belong to the group do not know who are in the group. With SMF, when I create a group is always adds the groups name under the user's name.I ask because I'd like to create forums that only certain people have access and that no one else should know anything about.

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Never mind. I found the solution on my own. Actually all groups are hidden, just when you add member to the group go and change the primary group (apparently the forum automatically assigns new, non-post count based groups as primary groups) to something else from each users profile. Where I screwed up was thinking like it was phpBB... Well it isn't. The membergroup system is SMF works fine in my forums since I don't have large groups that need to be 'hidden'. But is one had say 100 members hidden groups changing the primary group manually doesn't sound very tempting :D I smell need for a script or a plugin :D

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Can the owner tell who did a search and what the search was for?

Hidden Groups In SMF?


With this software, can the owner of a board tell which member did what kind of a search? Can he tell what "search" words were put in?


I am concerned about the privacy of all this. I have been afraid to post on a SImple Machines Forum because the owner keeps watch on what forum, etc. Everyone goes to.


Thanks for your help.




-question by Carlton Kitchens

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