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I'm Back To Google The World! Mustve been about 2 weeks?

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Hi ho all! Evion here! Some may recognize me some may not but I'm just introducing myself for the sake of confusion. Alrighty here, my nick is Evion. Well my current nick that is. I used to use techocian (why? short story - I was playing battleon.com one day when i thought of it - how silly..) but many people started thinking i was a technician so i decided to change it and so i sat on my bed and thought of a nice name. I'm usually very imaginative with names but this time i gave it a whole night's thought because i wanted this to be a forever "copyrighted" (more like nobody will ever think of it) and forever orginal than any name that was ever thought of. I picked up my pokemon handbook (lame?) and flipped through the pages, coming to the entry with Evee. That gave me the idea for Evion! The next day i was playing a MUD game called Achaea and of course i used the name techocian (I already had an account before i thought of the new name) but one of the seniors in the game told me to change my name because it doesn't GO with the atmosphere of the game. So i thought of Evion and YES i changed it. That was the first time i used that name and i felt cool i mean like Evion has a touch of "coolness" on it from tip to toe. Zip zip ok I'm talking too much. Well that's enough about my nick (follow-up to Szupie's topic on "Secret behind your nick". I'm just saying that well my bud that is also in Xisto is Xevian. I introduced him to Xisto and he joined. I'm not a very active poster I usually just feel bored and want some place to express then i start posting on Xisto. I joined quite early and stopped for a few weeks before i got back into the "job". I just moved to the U.S after staying in Singapore for a few mighty years. The air is cool here even though the summer solstice is nearing. Basically I'm bored with the days around here. My parents are eagerly trying to get a house (buy or rent) while we're staying at my cousin's house. Hope you all enjoy my stay here in Xisto after my long vacation from the net!

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*music starts to play*

Welcome back welcome back wel - come baa-aaack
Welcome back welcome back wel - come baa-aaack

*music stops*

:D Nevermind me LOL
I just felt like singing reading you`re post.
"Evion" hmmm sound cool I guess :D although it reminds me of that famous
french_alps_mineral_water brand "Evian" :D (funny)
Mind if I share the secret behind my nick? .....yeah didn`t think so!
It`s actualy quite simpel my real name is "Elveryle" and when pronounced
right my name sounds similar to the phrase "El for real" which is kinda funny
because most my friends just call me "El" for short instead of Elveryle.
And that`s how I thought of the nick "ElFoReal".

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