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Life Without A Computer is it possible?

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I could live without a computer. But also a computer without internet access is almost just as bad!"If the internet were to suddently crash right now, we would all die. Everything from our Atomic Weapons to the cash register would not function, causing our encomony to crash. "i dont think we would die litereally, but we would be feeling helpless. try to figure out how people lived back in the old days where there was no computer. "And, you would not be able to talk with people and get help on the web."i guess the topic was about the computer and not the internetI would live, since the Internet is not very important. It would take a long time to get use to, but soon enough I would get use to it. I could find many other ways to have fun, like play games and watch T.V."i can live without it as there are still so much left out there to do than just computer. like chilling with friends flirting, sex (lol), having fun, outdoors games and all sorts of sports and everything.. there's a life outside computers too, especially for those addicts of computers, like myself! lollz

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I can't say I can life without computers, but I don't think I would die immediately if my computer would crash. Ok, I would do bad at school because I couldn't make parts of my homework. (well maybe I could make them on the school network, but I don't want to spent whole days on school to do my homework.) And I think I would be extremely bored. I can't design websites and other things, no chatting anymore and not even games. And of course my Xisto account would die a painful death ... :D-=jeroen=-

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I think that someone could live without a computer or the internet. Not that I would want to mind you, but it can be done. I know that when I was on vacation, I didn't touch a computer for a whole week, but not that I am back home, I just can't seem to leave them alone.

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I'd probably go crazy. I went to my friends cabin and they didn't have a computer there and the hour after i got home, I was back on the computer. I also get up at 6:45 and play on the comuter. My mom's christmas presant was me not using the computer that day!

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u think that living without computer is iimpossible. Well I alsothink so . Computer is so necessary in todays world. We can live without frens but cannot without computer, internet, and bla bla.

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I'm pretty sure that I can live without a computer, and the Internet. But I have to be very very busy, so I just won't have time to turn my computer on. When I moved to university campus, my parents didn't allow me to have Internet in my room. But they had to allow me to take my laptop with me. Then I realized, that just a computer without Internet is nothing! Of course, I played games, I used photoshop etc, but computer without msn in it is NOT a computer to me. I wanted to go to the computer club which wasn't so far from my dorm, but I had no time. I was so busy with studies and stuff. After month or two I finally stopped wanting to go online that often. But when I'm home, and when all the cleaning/washing/studying is done, and I have plenty of time, I just go to my room and turn the computer on, it's like a habit.After my first three sleepless nights in the Internet, my parents decided to stop me by hiding my modem somewhere. Lucky me, I found it pretty fast. We used to argue a lot, but then my parents gave up. Now we have full democracy at home)

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Im 17 now. When i was 14-16 whenever i got grounded it sucked cuss they would either take my DSL away or they would just take my whole computer if i did something bad. They havn't taken it away now because i built it heh. But now they just unpluge my cable internet. it piss's me off because i run a server then a cross over cable too my computer. So when my net gets disconnect my server gets shut down. But thats besides the point i would either play out side skateboard. but it hard with out a computer i don't see how some ppl can't live without it. its maily the internet acessing the outside world haha

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I :) ts true, almost no one can go without a computer or the internet. Then again i know i can't go without it, i mean you get to do anything your mind can think of. It makes you wonder, what will the future be like? i mean think about it the future, for some its already here but for US how will the future of the internet and computers be like...hmm

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Dmaster14, people don't really DIE because of the lack of computers... people will suffer greatly because computers have become a large part of millions of peoples' lives!! I am serious!! For example, take watching TV out of your lifestyle right now - how would it be different? Yeah, you would start feeling weird and ranting for TV.Also, are you guys talking about personal computers or just computers? Because computers are in almost every electronic equipment.. like the microwave oven, digital camera, your own little cell phone, etc.Take all those away and you are left with... such a limited way of life. Your standard of living hits rock bottom... and starts digging :) Well, if you guys want to read a book related to this "world-wide destruction of computers", then read this 3-part book called... ermm... dang, what was it?I think it's similar to 2016: Doomsday... that is the first book. It's for ages 6~12 so you might find it in the junior non-fiction part of wherever you're looking at.Have fun.

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First time i owned a computer was in 1999 and it was an HP Pavilion with 400MHz and 64mb SDram and 6GB hdd. It was a purchase for me in Gr.9 From there i learned lots and got so into it, that i built my first pc 2years after. It had a Duron 700MHz with 512mb DDR and ECS K7S5A [both ddr and SDr compatable motherboard] I overclocked it to 1.1Ghz on air and was really happy. Now that i'm on the computer like mad, i don't think i can image what life would be like without a pc. I think civilization would corrupt on itself.

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Well I thing the new generation will be dependent of computers but I thing the are some things we will continue do without a computer likes: meet and talk people; read a book, newspapper or magazine; buy clothes and food; etc...For me theres nothing better that spend some time with my friends and girl in a nice place. I love life not the computers...

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I see there are alot of computer addicts here :) For me, I need the internet for alot of the coursework I'm doing right now, as well as talk to friends. Thanks to the internet I learnt how to make website. My friend has a Windows 98 computer without internet. She rarely uses it though. She seems fine and has a happier life than some other people I know XD I do love the computer, but if I has no access to it I wouldn't care that much, quite the contrary to what I used to be like. A year or so ago I went over to my grandparents who I rarely them. Because they has a new computer, I spent ages on it playing on the internet. In the end I realised what I was doing... I forgot to value my grandparents, and that I should be spending more time with them than on the internet (which I have access almost everyday to). My school replys on computers alot more and more. Even for the registers (role call, whatever u call it) before classes. It's quite ironic... they almost lost all the data from a server crash and, besides, how hard is it to tick a piece of paper? :P Computers are good fun though. =D

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