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Method Of Getting Past Master Control? How are we able to do it?

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OK I'm all ears to getting rid of my school's master control admin thing. I'm not a real wizz at this hacking/virus/spyware issue so fill me in. I'm really annoyed everything some dishonest teacher comes in and starts to spy on your computer screen using a master control and one button would transfer whatever is on your screen to be on his/hers. Like a projector you know? The computers that students use are also very restricted and most stuff i can do at home i can't do it in school which i hate because i have conflict with my dad everytime i want to use the computer. Naturally, downloading stuff from the internet will be a problem because the security system of the school is really strong and would cancel anything that is not certified. (This includes Firefox) I heard Firefox uses a different way in accessing the internet. If I'm able to get Firefox to the school computer, i might be able to download other stuff without the school's network secrurity thingi BEEPING on me all the time. What i really need now is some basic skills. Just some to bypass the school's master control and do some real fun with the computers. I'm not going to mess the computers up but i just like it when i have the freedom to even 'change the wallpaper of my school account BECAUSE THE XP GRASSLAND WALLPAPER REALLY LOOKS HORRIBLE'. Sorry for being sarcastic... Thanks if anyone is able to help though! :rolleyes:

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things you could do (no particular order)1. Boot up using knoppix from a usb stick and run the almighty penguin2. Start windows xp in safe mode3. get prcview (http://www.teamcti.com/pview/prcview.htm) and kill every process that looks dangerous4. put your software on a floppy or anything disc so you don't have to download them.5. Learn real hacking and find out that when you know how to break the computers you already graduated :rolleyes:have fun

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Most computer systems with that kind of paranoid security won't let you use programs that weren't installed by an admin, so there goes the possibility of using proggies from a floppy/cd-r/usb drive. booting a linux distro like knoppix or ubuntu live MIGHT work, but your school's computers might have some odd hardware. Plus, you would need to know the various network settings, which would be a pain in the *bottom* to find out w/o access to the settings panel.In the end, though, I can't understand why any place would have security THAT paranoid. Is it really THAT important to the people at schools that students not be able to use a proper web browser or download files?

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from what i've heard, us avergae teen agers are seemed as a threaten to society.... They explain that policy on past events (remeber columbine???), adn given the terrorist situation on the world (they think terrorist use their kids to spy throught their schools)Here in Colombia we have guerilla (it's not as dangerous as people think it is!, the contry, the guerrilla IS VERY DANGEROUS), and no one bothers to stomp into our privicy!!!! :rolleyes:

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My school is terrible. The computers have very few restricitions on them.
For a n00b, they would seem pretty good, but once you really start looking, they're really easy to get into.
Rather than actually securing the computers, our network admin simply puts some basic (but easily broken) restrictions on, and gives every computer a smart card. So if you do do anything, when the computer is restarted(you can't logoff - only restart) the hard drive is wiped and replaced with a default copy.
The filters are absolutely rubbish, and it is unbeliavably easy to get on porn or anything that should be forbidden.

Recently, the admin guy has bought a load of new computers ( http://www.rm.com/404?item=%2fsecondary%2fproducts%2fprodup&user=extranet%5cAnonymous&site=website ). They're really good, except for the fact that they have built in speakers. He hasn't yet figured out how to turn them off. Hey presto, the first time he let students into his computer room, it was filled with music, noise and that anoyying sound windows makes when you start it up.

It is absolutely terrible

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OK I'm all ears to getting rid of my school's master control admin thing. I'm not a real wizz at this hacking/virus/spyware issue so fill me in. I'm really annoyed everything some dishonest teacher comes in and starts to spy on your computer screen using a master control and one button would transfer whatever is on your screen to be on his/hers. Like a projector you know?


The computers that students use are also very restricted and most stuff i can do at home i can't do it in school which i hate because i have conflict with my dad everytime i want to use the computer.


Naturally, downloading stuff from the internet will be a problem because the security system of the school is really strong and would cancel anything that is not certified. (This includes Firefox) I heard Firefox uses a different way in accessing the internet. If I'm able to get Firefox to the school computer, i might be able to download other stuff without the school's network secrurity thingi BEEPING on me all the time.


What i really need now is some basic skills. Just some to bypass the school's master control and do some real fun with the computers. I'm not going to mess the computers up but i just like it when i have the freedom to even 'change the wallpaper of my school account BECAUSE THE XP GRASSLAND WALLPAPER REALLY LOOKS HORRIBLE'. Sorry for being sarcastic... Thanks if anyone is able to help though!  :rolleyes:


The only way WITHOUT hacking is to start it in safe mode and configure stuff before it starts :)


But if you do want freedom, a good hacking tutorial is at:


Part one of tutorial


Part two of tutorial


Part three of hacking tutorial



And if you want more and different hacking help, GO HERE

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