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Irc - Asta Style

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Right, we have IRC so for read this for info on how-to use it.


Quick Start

Network: DALnet

Channel: #Xisto

Service: ChanServ


So your new to IRC well thats fine too, its a great tool, IRC is Internet Relay Chat. You connect with a chat client similar to MSNM, now if you have firefox your uber-lucky if not then your uber-lucky to :) Ill explain


Firefox Way

Meet ChatZilla your new room mate


Now install that by clicking install now. Then close firefox and open it again Then Tools -> chatzilla

Click on the Dalnet blue text in the window and then give yourself a nick when it asks and then let the text scroll for its mile.


then type /join #Xisto and it will load up a nice screen with us in it. NBot will welcome you and then we can all be merry! Just type and hit enter to talk.


Normal Users - long term users

Youll need a client, now my personal fave is HydraIRC, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so download that when you open the program there should be a plug, click it and then in server address type irc://irc.dalnet.com and then it will connect you, in the chat box type /join #Xisto and you will then be in the chat! :(


any probs, please post!


(We need a better category for this stuff)

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You might want to explain the registering of your nicknames, microscopic^earthling helped me through it, but i can't really remember all of the steps. So if you place a tutorial for that, it might be convienent for other users.

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IRC seems like a great way to chat.. it just seems a bit overwhelming as soon as it all loads.. :) Since I'm just starting off with it.. other than just chat.. does anyone know about and how to access and control the wider range of IRC features.. ?? (I hear there're a bunch of features that can be discovered). Here's to some exploration...Rashid

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Search the net, youll see literally thousands of commands but the most of them dont actually get used./me <text> is quite cool/chanserv HELP/nickserv HELPIf you join IRC, then just bug me and ill help you play around with some commands and learn new, some people have used it for years and still dont know it all :)

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If you want to learn all the features of IRC, you'll have to be on it for a few months being curious. There are lots of references online, but there are too much. They may not be about things that you are interested in, and would be very boring to read through only a few of them. It's better to find out for yourself. A good way to learn is by scripting with your IRC client. You will have questions which lead to answers providing you even more information, and perhaps inspire you to make another script and ask even more questions... :)

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