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Windows Xp Vs. Linux Which one do you prefer?

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DeMuDi Linux version 1.20, so many media acessories and programs. It is the Ultimate in audio editing and mixing!

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My self i like UNIX (SUSE 9.2 pro)

hehe..... Definition of irony....
The guys who were planning on developing a free open source operating system Knew that many people would confuse it with unix...

so they decided to give it a name GNU (recursive acronym) for GNU is not Unix.

so the full anme of suse would be said to be...

SuSE - Gnu is not Unix Operating system with a linux kernel.

and yet still people call linux unix.

ALSO, peeople are always calling WINE an emulator... despite its name (again recusrive acronym) WINE Is Not an Emulator.


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For general things i like Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server but when people like to create powerfull aplications (integer processing) they use Linux (Red hat , Fedora debian) is easier to cluster linux PC's than windows pc's , linux is very good and is getting better each day :) china and japan are building a new variety of software for linux so it is matter of time when you will have all kind of software running on linux , then will be just taste to decide which one you like .

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I'm new to this forum so first of all hi everybody! Then, linux vs windows is becoming a great battle nowadays, because linux is getting more and more users but is still far from windows numbers. I am writing now from a kubuntu hoary distro, the ubuntu distribution but with kde.Linux is developing very quickly for personal purposes and home use, i find it much more customizable than windows but it's hard to learn. I like KDE as desktop environment, it has very high quality graphics same as windows XP. To sum up, at the moment i like linux better than windows for everything except for games, where linux still have to improve a lot. Let's see what happens in the following two or three years.

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Well I mean, they're both good for different purposes.I've always been with Windows and yet I've always dealt with constant problems that arise from using it.To the normal home user, I think Windows is better, but if you know what you're doing and are running a server or something, Linux is probably your better option.

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Just my two cents here, but I honestly think that some distros have gotten to the point of home-friendly. Keep in mind, not all distros are Slack...One reason about 4 years ago i would keep going back to Windows from Linux (usually Red Hat at the time), was1. I presumed RH was like all other Linuxes, and RH didn't really impress me too much.2. (I thought) I couldn't do everything I needed to do in Linux at the time.3. I hadn't played with Slackware yet...Now, I'm glad to say I havent had a Microsoft product on my computer in the past...8 months or so...and I will never turn back. To the average person in the home that just wants their computer to work and get things done, I recommend some form of Linux. Slackware myself, but probably SuSE for the "not so tech" users...I think it's nicer for people who aren't as technically inclined, so they aren't always pulling their hair out when something (frequently) goes wrong in Windows....really, don't we all just want our computer to WORK? Microsoft doesn't do that too well...the move of the mainstream to 64-bit platforms is going to kill Microsoft, or at least hit them very hard...

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I personally like Windows XP, and I get a lot of complimentery softwares from my dad who is associated with Microsoft. It's pretty sweet. I've tried Linux before and don't like it to much but it beats Apple's operating system. What do you think?


For me there isn't really any comparison of the two products, I use them for different things. For my daily desktop work, I use Windows XP because I find it easier to work with, I am used to it. But for running FTP/Mail/Samba/Gateway(router)/... I find Linux much better.

For example: I used to have Windows 98 installed on a Pentium MMX 200MHz with 192MB RAM. This computer served as a router/gateway to share my ADSL connection with several computers, I also installed an FTP server (Bulletproof FTP server I believe). I could only get a dissappointing 800KB/s max transferrate when transferring files to and from this computer with FTP.

A couple of years ago I installed Debian on this computer instead of Windows. I did not install any window manager, so just text-based... I compiled my own kernel so the system would run as fast as possible. Now this computer serves as an E-mail gateway, Samba server, FTP server and router. The max transferrate with FTP lies arround 5000KB/s now!


That's a huge difference and it really shows the advantages of a linux system in this environment.



I forgot to mention: Windows 98 would need a reboot several times a week, now that Linux is installed I can keep the PC running for months without a reboot!

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Windows. Nothing will ever be better then Windows. It is better, faster, and had better stuff for it.


Do you have any proofs for that because the proof to counter that is that the X server (which is the graphics system on UNIX machine) has a fast frame buffer and renderer than Windows. Plus Windows will slow down when many services are running because Windows NT based editions such as Windows XP uses a microkernel that sends queries to the master kernel process to process the data, which will slow down the system when there is alot. In contrast, Linux uses a monolithic kernel which the whole kernel operates without child kernel processes asking it questions whenever it needs something, this boosts up speed.


Have you run a game on Linux before? It doesn't slow down the system as much as Windows does. Windows will start dropping in speed dramatically when a high resource process than in Linux. (sorry if I'm repeating).


If you use the right journaling filesystem, Linux doesn't even need you to defragment it. I use ReiserFS (although I could've used JFS) and it is alot faster than NTFS. ReiserFS also auto compresses your files when storing it to disc.


Also, although UNIX was originally designed for serving, Linux was not. Linux was designed to be easy to some extent, it is a fun operating system to use. It was started as a hobby by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Linux is so powerful that it can act as a server, router, desktop, camera, cellphone, laptop system, army grade systems and etc. Linux is created so it goes anywhere. That's the beauty of it.


Linux is as easy to learn as Windows. I learn Linux and its core components in 2 weeks. Windows it took me a month because there are less things to discover on that operating system and it is not fun to go around system files and tinker with the antivirus.


Linux can be as multimedia or gamer friendly as Macintosh or Windows. Take SuSE Linux to account. It is designed for end-users. I use it because I find it easier than Windows to install and to configure. It is also less bloated. I have all the applications I want installed and the rest are on my 5 CD which I can install later if I want to.



This is IMO and the sources for these information comes from:

Linux for Dummies - 5th Edition

Forums across the net

Just For Fun: An Accidental Revolution (my favourite biography)

and my personal experiences on the computer since 8.



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Windows. Nothing will ever be better then Windows. It is better, faster, and had better stuff for it.




Obviously you know nothing about computers, guy. Windows always has been the WORST since day one. Notice how someone else always has the better technologies, and then you see them show up in Windows...and in a very bad conversion in most cases. Man, just face it, you're just jealous that we actually KNOW how to use our computers.



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