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Repairing Laptop Batteries

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has anyone any experience of repaiting a laptop battery?mine was only one month old when it broke, im sure there is like one dead cell or something, as it is just not powerful enough to power the laptop, but shows a charge and stuff.i Was thinking of taking it apart as i like doing things like that, and thought perhaps someone has some experience or a website link that could be helpful to me,.thanks in advancechris

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I think to repair it can be very difficult, but if you repair them, can you trust in that battery, maybe it can burn your laptop, if think it's not good idea. Beside if is one month old, can you claim guarantee where you bought it or not? If not I recommed, spend some money and buy a new one.greetsDeivid

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I would suggest not attempting to repair the battery but actually get it replaced, only one month old? You should be able to get a replacement surely?I would never trust repairs on a battery, worse things worse, it could explode right in your face, you could get serious injury/burns from it and that isn't more important than the laptop in this case.Also, never buy imitation batteries, they too have the same effect as exploding as they are not thoroughly tested, although I hear they maybe getting stricter in how batteries are tested and also making them safer now, which would be good to see.MC

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