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I'm Gonna Kill That Damn Dog

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I'm a lil pissed off at my neibors dog right now. well, actualy, i've been pissed at it for along the lines of two years now. or maybe 3, i dunno.the guys who live behind my house have this annoying as hell dog. they keep it chained up in the corner of their yard, which happens to be closest to my bedroom. the dratted thing barks all day and all night at NOTHING. it just sits there, barking it's *bottom* off! and to make things worse, it's a big dog, and thus it's got a very loud bark. that damn thing makes it almost impossible to sleep at night and concentrate during the day. i have to turn my stand-up fan on just to drown the damn dog out so i can sleep at night!now, to make things worse, i swear i'm being haunted by some evil dog. a few months ago, some cat got in to their yard, jumped over the fence, and the dog tried to chase it. it got caught on it's chain on the other side of the fence, and it hung itself. i was, to be honest, filled with joy when i heared the news. i was HOPING i'd be able to get a decent nights sleep. but no, the neibors got a new dog, chained it in that same corner, got one that was still quite big, AND LOVED TO BARK AT THE AIR 24\7!! i SWEAR it's a reincarnation of that damned dog that hung itself!! :angry: why can't that damn dog me like my next dor neibors dog? they's got a rotweiler (probaly speleld wrong, but oh well) thats only barks when it see's someone or something coming by, and it dosent bark very much when it does see something either. and my dogs, who freely roam in and out of the house and backyard whenever they like don't bark at ALL during the night, and when they do bark it's because someone rang the doorbell or knocked at the door. WHY must those ddamned neibors have a demon dog?! WHY?!?! :blink:now, to add insult to injury on this whole matter, i can't do crap about it, because the dogs owners don't speak english, where as thats the only language i can speak. wheres my gun... c'mere poochy.....that'll do for today's rant. tommorow's rant will be about me getting in trouble for shooting the neibors dog :ph34r:

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I'm a lil pissed off at my neibors dog right now. well, actualy, i've been pissed at it for along the lines of two years now. or maybe 3, i dunno.

the guys who live behind my house have this annoying as hell dog. they keep it chained up in the corner of their yard, which happens to be closest to my bedroom. the dratted thing barks all day and all night at NOTHING. it just sits there, barking it's *bottom* off! and to make things worse, it's a big dog, and thus it's got a very loud bark. that damn thing makes it almost impossible to sleep at night and concentrate during the day. i have to turn my stand-up fan on just to drown the damn dog out so i can sleep at night!

now, to make things worse, i swear i'm being haunted by some evil dog. a few months ago, some cat got in to their yard, jumped over the fence, and the dog tried to chase it. it got caught on it's chain on the other side of the fence, and it hung itself. i was, to be honest, filled with joy when i heared the news. i was HOPING i'd be able to get a decent nights sleep. but no, the neibors got a new dog, chained it in that same corner, got one that was still quite big, AND LOVED TO BARK AT THE AIR 24\7!! i SWEAR it's a reincarnation of that damned dog that hung itself!! :angry:

why can't that damn dog me like my next dor neibors dog? they's got a rotweiler (probaly speleld wrong, but oh well) thats only barks when it see's someone or something coming by, and it dosent bark very much when it does see something either. and my dogs, who freely roam in and out of the house and backyard whenever they like don't bark at ALL during the night, and when they do bark it's because someone rang the doorbell or knocked at the door. WHY must those ddamned neibors have a demon dog?! WHY?!?! :blink:

now, to add insult to injury on this whole matter, i can't do crap about it, because the dogs owners don't speak english, where as thats the only language i can speak. wheres my gun... c'mere poochy.....


that'll do for today's rant. tommorow's rant will be about me getting in trouble for shooting the neibors dog :ph34r:


And here I was reading the subject, thinking it was gonna be a annoying little fart, like a chihuaha or something... Either way, big or small, that's a disturbance. You can call the police (or animal control, I think) and report them.

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You shouldn't say that. The dog probably has a reason to be barking. If I were you, I would check out why it's barking all the time. I feel sorry for the poor dog that died. But back to the point - if the owners are abusing it by keeping it outside, you can complain and get it taken care of. That's best for you, them, and the dog.

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ahhh, thanks, i ddin't know that the police or animal control or whatever would do anything about a neibors barking dog, i was under the impression that it was, unfortunantly, perfectly legal. now, whered i put the phone book.... :angry:

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Well, it's disturbance of the peace, so yes, you can call and make a complaint. If you have a Home Owner's Association (as much as I hate mine, this is what they're good for), you can also call and complain.

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i have a very similar problem. my neighbors who live behind me also have a dog, a beagle, that barks and howls like crazy. they used to just let it out and leave it outside for what seemed like the longest time. the dog would stand at their door just howling for like half an hour. this kind of scenario just kept reoccuring until my dad called the police on them. it was kind of funny when he called because as he was on the phone, the dog was barking and the policeman could hear the dog over the phone. i think they got a warning or something but they have made a bit more of an effort to get the dog in when it wants to. the dog is still left out there a bit too long occasionally but it is nothing like it used to be.

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