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Psp Or Ds?

Will you buy the PSP or the DS?  

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Even without the added features I would probably still get the PSP. I have looked at videos and screenshots of both of them and the graphics are way better on the PSP. The touch screen on the DS just seems kinda gimicky (something they added just to make it sound better instead of for better playability etc.) to me. Nintendo only really has two things going for it right now.

1) A whole bunch of customers loyal to the Nintendo name from previous great consoles.

2) Alot of much better quality games already signed up with Nintendo.

EDIT - http://4bitterguys.com/phpBB3/ This is a bit old but still funny. Actually almost everything on this site is worth a look. ^_^

Edited by Darren (see edit history)

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I already own a Nintendo DS. I am not planning on buying the Sony Playstation Portable because of the price. I am now hearing that the PSP is having problems with some of its games. The Nintendo DS has awesome features like the stylus and the Dual-screen (Nintendo "DS"). If you are planning on buying one I would go with the DS because of its competitive price and great games.

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DS all the way. THough I already have em...Anywho, why would you want a PSP?#The DS has two screens#Not to mention one's a touch screen#The Ds has a better launch#Ds has better games. Who wants to play Metal Gear Trading cars?#It's already out#Why waste money on PSP games, when DS is backwards compatible with GB/GBA?#Yeah sure the Psp has the image sharing and all those extra features, but you can just go on the computer for that.#PSP is more expensiveSo yeah I see no reason to buy a PSP. Don't listen to me, that's just my opinion.

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for me its the sony PSP all the way through. the nintendo ds has 64 graphics and psp has the playstation 2 graphics wich is way better. saw in the game shop it was selling at £100 dunno how much the psp is going for, but il try to get my dirty greedy hands onto it! Grrr! the games on there are good too! meatal gear acid! graphics lok so good on it even for a portable device!

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I personally am a PSP fan. For me, Nintendo cannot possibly rival the games that come from Sony's third party support.Nintendo's touch screen feels like a cheap gimmick to me. Something to tack onto a good product, not somethign to build one around. It would also annoy me to death to have to try and watch a cinematic split between two screens. I'd ratehr have one big screen than a fancy little touch screen thingy thatll get scratched up quickly.The PSP is also much more attractive design wise,and also has the versatility of the UMD.Nintendo may be the handheld standard, but if the Gamecube is any gauge, I think they will lose this battle to Sony as well. Mario, Samus, and Zelda arent going to be enough to hold off Sony anymore, especially with Nintendo hemoraging GC only titles.

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I am still not sure who wins this war between the two giants in gaming. Each has many pros and cons from the get go. [Now I know some purists will "try" to defend their peripheral to their death but they can't be ignorant.]Nintendo has an innovative idea, something yet again that's far from conventional. Also, at launch they have a good amount of new and different games that haven't already been released in some other form. Only downside of Nintendo is besides chatting and playing games, that's all there is. Possibly there will be a change to this in th future.Sony seems to be going for a multimedia handheld. Nothing unconventional but more like, well, a handheld media player with games. The plus that the Sony handheld has is to play video and music. EVen at that it has to be in a certain format in order to play. [sony even is coming out with a downloadable media convertor just so people can actualy listen/watch media.]All things accounted for, both don't have everything working for the get go. The wifi gaming part does not work in full. Why aren't these things delt with? No one knows. I have seen more Sony cons about the handheld than from Nintendo's. I might get both eventually because they both have their pluses.

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i would rather get the psp.. correct me if im wrong... but i read in some gaming/computer magazine.. that its also like a portable dvd player? can someone lemme kno.. cuz if it is tru that would be really awesome...

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Yes i do believe the psp can sort of be used as a portable dvd player, with it's special UMD's (Universal Media Disc) (60mm wide). On average a UMD disk can contain up to two hours of DVD quality. The disk can hold 1.8GB. So hopefully we will be seeing ways in which we can put our own movies on UMD. Otherwise if you have to buy a special UMD movie disk, it could become quite costly and would seem rather pointless, in you buying them since DVD's hold a lot more and i think more universal than the UMD's will ever be.

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well they are both good and each have there advantages.the ds is a neat idea. duel screens could certainly be useful for some games. it also has mario which runs very well on handheld consoles.the psp is obviously a lot more powerful and has better graphics. it also has the analog controller which could be very useful for racing games. however, the psp costs more.

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Yes, the psp is a very powerful tool and it does have the analog controller. The graphics are quite amazing on it and thats why I preffer it to the DS. The DS is a great idea and the Dual Screens will be very useful, its also a lot cheaper.But, in my opinion, although it costs more, I'd have to choose the PSP.

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I have put numbers in the quote so I can address each issue you have with the PSP more easily.

Anywho, why would you want a PSP?

#1-The DS has two screens

#2-Not to mention one's a touch screen

#3-The Ds has a better launch

#4-Ds has better games. Who wants to play Metal Gear Trading cars?

#5-It's already out

#6-Why waste money on PSP games, when DS is backwards compatible with GB/GBA?

#7-Yeah sure the Psp has the image sharing and all those extra features, but you can just go on the computer for that.

#8-PSP is more expensive


So yeah I see no reason to buy a PSP. Don't listen to me, that's just my opinion.


#1-Personaly I would prefer 1 good quality screen rather than one one average screen and one 2d map.

#2-I can think of very few games that would actually use the touch screen let alone effectively

#3-Umm not sure what you mean here.

#4-I admit that this is one strong point the DS has over the PSP, and what idiot turned Metal Gear into a card game, I nearly threw up when I saw that!

#5-For what I consider a better console I can wait.

#6-I will spend my money on PSP games simply because they are better quality.

#7-The whole point of having one of these systems is so that it is portable, if you had the possibility of going to a computer on the train then you could just go to it to play games on as well.

#8-Same as #5, for a better console I can pay a bit extra.


PSP won't last long anyway, GBA (not DS) has been dominating the industry for some time, not even more powerful handhelds can stop GBA. Gameboy is the most threatning to the PSP, and if the DS doesn't stop it, the GBA will.


No offence intended but this is an unbelievable comment, Nintendo has spent a long time developing the DS to be better than the GBA. Nintendo believes that this is better or they wouldn't have released it, however if you think you know better than Nintendo then perhaps we should boycott the DS and all go back to playing our GBA's.


I have a Gameboy, Gameboy Pocket and a GBA, but this time around I will be getting a PSP. They have better graphics and alot of other great features (the most prominent in my mind being the USB socket which will allow online gaming {online centres already set up} as well as possibly future connection to things like a keyboard?) which put it in front of the DS's good games and past reliability.

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