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Staying Awake....

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well for me it isnt really that hard to stay awake, but if i cant seem to stay i either walk around, go and drink some coffee. If that doesnt work i can always try some coke to drink. well that is what i do anyway

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Whenever I really need to stay awake I tend to turn to coffee. But If I ever need a bigger jolt at many drugstores you can buy caffienated gum, caffienated mints and caffiene pills. While I realize that having too much caffiene in your body may cause some sort of damage (no one is really quite sure what caffiene can do to you) but I have not noticed any negative effects from any of these products.

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Whenever I really need to stay awake I tend to turn to coffee. But If I ever need a bigger jolt at many drugstores you can buy caffienated gum, caffienated mints and caffiene pills. While I realize that having too much caffiene in your body may cause some sort of damage (no one is really quite sure what caffiene can do to you) but I have not noticed any negative effects from any of these products.


That's a common symptom of many disorders and diseases- not recognizing that you have it. 'S probably not enough just to look at yourself. If anyone comments on a change in your personality or physical appearance that would seem logically connected with the overuse of caffiene, that should override your own judgements, at least in this case.

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The only side effect/ problems I've had with caffiene is addiction and withdrawl. Other than that, as far as I know, caffiene has no other 'problems'. I once downed a starbucks double shot espresso and 2 red bulls and felt fine- for 40 mins. Then I crashed. Another time I took 8 caffiene mints (2 equals a cup of black coffee) and still felt fine. Also, a few years ago, I used to drink a pot and a half of coffee every day before school. It all depends on your body and how well it works for you. I'm no doctor, but other than headaches, I've had no trouble with caffiene.PeaceAaron

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The other nice thing about caffeine is that it is a good headache medication. As for side affects, unless you take a TON, the worst you will get is the jitters. The problem is that people use it to stay awake/alert but then never give their body the rest it needs.

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Powernap, it beats caffeine and sugar when you need to stay awake and work for a long time. If you ever drove from Florida to Maine in a Tractor Trailer you had to lear this. If you are so tired that you can't keep your eyes open but you have to finish the paper. Get a tin plate or a pot +something+ that would be noicy when you dropped a key chain or handful of change on them. Sit in your chair and lean your head on the table, see where ot put the plate or pot so that when you fall aslep you will drop the keys or change or both on top of them. As long as you hold onto the keys/coins you are still awake, the second you fall asleep you will relax and drop them waking yourself up. This will give you the ability to go on for 2 - 4 - or 6 more hours...I know it works, I have used it driving non-stop from Florida to CT and I used it when it took from Friday to Tuesday to rebuild a crashed server with corrupt data and full rebuild...Try it, it works better than caffeine alone.Nils

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I can't really do your style of waking up, NilsC. I sort of have this problem that even when i sleep, i still can hold on to things if i was holding them before i sleep. I slept in school too... With my eyes open! Its true! Caffeine works but did anyone know it is actually a form of drug too? Caffeine blocks some kind of natural tranquilizer that your body produces to get you to sleep, letting you "FEEL" active, but in fact, your body is pushing the limit as your body system didn't get rest. Using too much caffeine results in withdrawl, making them need more or your blood flow will slow down as you are deprived from caffiene. Withdrawls last for 2-4 days, and in some special cases, a whole week! Some health organization came to my school talking about caffeine, i dozed off (with my eyes open again...) when it came to talking about sleep is the best medicine part...EDIT: Forgot to add how i keep awake...I can keep awake as long as i want, but after completing the assignment/project/or whatever, I feel like just dropping on the floor and just sleep... :P

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Do they have "Tesco" supermarkets outside of europe ?? probably...

anyways, tesco sell a cheap version of "Red Bull" called kick.
even more caffine, even more of those brain vitamins.

1 litre costs ÂŁ1 and supplies 2000% your recomended daily allowance of vitamin (either B or D, i forget)

However after the caffine wears off, well, its not pretty.

as for coffeee, try to drink real coffe (not granulated)
real coffee has more caffine, and has many more anti-oxidant's (which if i remember correctly help reduce the risk of cancer)

I dont believe in power naps.

Lets say i finish coursework at 6am, and i have a lecture at 9am.
if i spend the 3 spare hours having a good breakfast and a shower, i feel much better than i would if i spent the time sleeping.


I slept in school too... With my eyes open! Its true!

i know what you mean !!!

at the end of my final year of college, 2 weeks before course work was due in, i caught a flu, i was unable to work, and because of deadlines i was unable to get an extension.

i had to do 2 weeks of work in 5 days, ontop of normal college lessons.

i had no sleep sunday night.
2 hours sleep monday night,
4 hours sleep tuesday night
2 hours sleep wednesday night.
and no sleep thursday night.

my last lesson on friday was very very very bad.

first, i found that my hearning went... i could hear the noise... but i wasnt understanding the words
and i started to get tunnel vision if i stoped moving my eyes.... when from the overhead projector, the boarders faded to black.. and field of vision kept shrinking, untill i couldnt see anything.

i knew i was in a maths lesson, i knew my eyes were open, but i was asleep.
it wasnt plleasent.

when i got home, i watched "the Simpsons" from 6pm to 7pm, went to bed, and didnt wake up untill 6pm the next day (just in time for the simpsons)

its very confusing waking up an hour before you went to bed. lol.

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Oh and Red Bull may have different amounts of Caffeine and sorts in different countries due to the limit or something, thats why from where i come from, the red bull is diluted and not as nice as the ones i can find overseas...

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What country are you in ?in england, 1 can of redbull has about the same amount of caffine as a strong coffee.

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I come from Singapore, and the red bull here is so diluted, its like only 10% syrup and the rest is water! No fair... Its for the good of the citizens not to drink too much though...

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It probably is for your own good. Red Bull is nasty stuff. SoBe makes a good energy drink though.

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Most sport drinks in Singapore are diluted and salty... Its rather unfair... There is a lot of things which we cannot use... That really makes my life boring... :P


That does stink. I bet that'd also mean that cigarettes are illegal too. At least when it comes to those, I think we should all follow Singapore's example.

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